May 2012
5:35pm, 28 May 2012
4,607 posts
JamieKai *chameleon*
Are the two races linked? I remember being given a flyer for Tatton Half at Altrincham Tram station on my way back from cheering the troops...
May 2012
5:49pm, 28 May 2012
2,645 posts
I think Malcolm Fowler (organiser of the Wilmslow half, amongst others) is involved but it's actually organised by the folks at MyTriathlon - they do the Capesthorne Hall & Tatton Park triathlons.
May 2012
6:16pm, 28 May 2012
10,115 posts
I got that email too and noticed the references!
BTW, I wasn't the only one to get a surprise age group prize from Manchester Marathon. My hubby also won his age group, apparently, even though he thought he was 15th M55! It seems the 14 blokes ahead of him were mere 50-54 year olds
Strange that out of 4,500 people two of the age prizes went to the same household innit? Spooky
May 2012
6:22pm, 28 May 2012
2,649 posts
All very dubious. :/
May 2012
6:22pm, 28 May 2012
10,116 posts
Or perhaps we're both fast old people sprouty?
May 2012
6:31pm, 28 May 2012
2,651 posts
Would have been a lot simpler if the results used the same categories as the prizes
May 2012
6:31pm, 28 May 2012
10,117 posts
Well yes, absolutely. Bonkers way of doing it.
May 2012
7:10pm, 28 May 2012
42,423 posts
plodding hippo
Nahm i think its dodgy
i demand an enquiry!
TBB-have they mailed you with an explanantion of the number debacle yet
May 2012
7:36pm, 28 May 2012
10,120 posts
RUTH! You'll set him off again!
May 2012
7:55pm, 28 May 2012
42,424 posts
plodding hippo