Great Fetchie hive mind - imaginative help needed

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Aug 2020
3:47pm, 3 Aug 2020
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I'm trying to plan a team building/bonding programme for my team at work, and I thought there are bound to be lots of creative and imaginative fetchies that would have excellent ideas, or at least be willing to act as a sounding board as I try to hammer the raw material of my thoughts into a usable form.

The date I'm aiming for is around 14-17 September, so covid considerations are definitely a factor and my team is frequnetly spread around between Brussels (the majority) and London even when not WFH (which could be Brussels, London, Devon, Eindhoven... you name it). If all of the team could make it we'd be looking at around 20 people.

Here's what I've got so far:

* An afternoon into evening programme of discrete team events/rounds, to enable those who aren't free for a whole day to hopefully take part in at least one, culminating in food of some sort in area big enough to enable adequate distancing.

* For each round I would divide the total number of people into smaller teams, with some present in person people and some remote participants in each. The present in person people would be outside in Brussels, starting in a park but free to roam as far and wide as they want during each round. These teams would change each round to mix people up more.

*Each team could be given a name drawn from a very wide spectrum of popular culture and would get a point for knowing or being able to figure out where they come from (remote person very much allowed to help by googling) - for example things like: The Legendary House of Abundance, Starbug, The Unthanks, The Duke and Duchess of Plaza-Toro, something Harry Pottery... I would need a lot of helping finding things that are out of my recreational comfort zone but not too obscure if you're into that thing (if that makes sense?). The idea would be to be inclusive of a really wide range of interests.

* At least one round would be a scavenger hunt where the things to be find would be along the lines of:

~ a statue that is not of a dead white man

~ a named kind of leaf

~ a plate of freshly made toast (one for the remote member, probably)

~ a picture of the team recreating a famous album cover or other image

~ a yellow car

~ a bar of soap (again could be a chance for the remote person to shine, or a present in person person could go into a shop)

~ I'm struggling for ideas now, please suggest some. I might poach a few from the Treasure hunt thread.

* a whole team round where you have to identify one or more people in the team with given attributes like can play the piano, or has been to more than 10 countries, has broken a bone, ridden a horse, been on TV, etc. (again, ideas welcome). Or this could be combined with (an)other round(s), so form part of the list of things to find or it could be a side activity while doing something else

*Turn acquiring and preparing the food we then eat into a round? so teams could split up and do shopping or cooking in their own homes/a team member's home if there's enough space, working out how to transport what they've made and the things necessary to eat to wherever we'll be eating - there's a big indoor room at the office, if we're not allowed to have a picnic group that large in a park at the time, though it's a joyless and obviously enclosed space. This may need much more thought. The remote person could join in by suggesting recipes or just preparing the same thing as the in person people to eat 'with' us virtually.

Please bombard me with your thoughts, idea, constrictive criticism, experiences of attempting to do similar!
Aug 2020
3:51pm, 3 Aug 2020
18,159 posts
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"challenge Annika" was studio based whilst she was remote
Aug 2020
3:56pm, 3 Aug 2020
5,928 posts
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I used to watch that as a kid but all I really remember is her running and flying around in a helicopter... I might have to look more into what exactly it involved.

I vaguely remember she try to persuade random members of the public to help with her stuff, which probably wouldn't be a great idea for this particular setting - I work at the UK mission to the EU, we have to be quite careful about what impression we might give even when we're out of the office in 'plain clothes' as it were. Plus with the whole covid thing passers by may be less keen to interact than they were in the early 90s.
Aug 2020
4:00pm, 3 Aug 2020
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Oh, I should probably add that I'm thinking the teams would submit their findings or answers via (everyone's favourite) MS Teams, by posting images in the chat and identifying them by something like #teamname
Aug 2020
4:07pm, 3 Aug 2020
18,160 posts
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sounds like you have put a lot of thought into it
Aug 2020
4:10pm, 3 Aug 2020
729 posts
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Sam Jelfs
Helicopter?! I think you'll find the important vehicle in challenge anneka was a beach buggy!

Aug 2020
4:12pm, 3 Aug 2020
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Teams and 'outdoors' made me think of a relay style of challenge: at the start, and at each handover point, the person takes a card on which is wriiten The Task. This could be identifying a building, a location, an animal, a shop or food outlet etc. and taking a pic as evidence.

Once the pics are verified, the 2nd person receives another Task, and so forth: teams of 4 or 5 might work well. To add some difficulty, the person on the 'leg' has to find the person to whom s/he is handing over.

What I haven't thought of yet is what the people who've completed their leg do in the meantime: put together some tests of observation, i.e. a landmark, sight or view on a person's route, e.g. 'How many bridges did you pass?'
Aug 2020
4:14pm, 3 Aug 2020
66,462 posts
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Rae: re your post of 4.00pm - this makes my 2nd para. ^ a cross-post!
Aug 2020
4:16pm, 3 Aug 2020
66,463 posts
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The observation challenges might work for 'remote'/WFH people if some sort of GoPro camera was deployed.
Aug 2020
4:25pm, 3 Aug 2020
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I'm not sure I fully understand your first idea, Swits, could you elaborate a bit?

The team members would be spread out at different points and have to find each other to hand over something physical, is that it?

Everyone is equipped with a work issue smartphone, so taking pics or short videos on the move should be quite possible for all, provided they've not rinsed their monthly data limit.

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Maintained by Raetomic Kitten
I'm trying to plan a team building/bonding programme for my team at work, and I thought there a...

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