Dec 2013
11:13pm, 5 Dec 2013
7,432 posts
I am, HappyG. But knowing I can have a hot water bottle males me *happy* I'm in.
(I pretty much always have a hot water bottle when I'm at home. My flatmate recently remarked that she couldn't remember the last time she had seen me without a mug of tea and a hot water bottle. I never knew I could run ultras and have a hot water bottle at the same time. This solves all my life's peoblems and makes me very happy.)
Dec 2013
11:15pm, 5 Dec 2013
7,433 posts
Just checked - my name still appears on the start list for the 24h race. Only doing the 12h though in case anyone thought I was off ma heid.
Dec 2013
1:33am, 6 Dec 2013
7,853 posts
Phew, because there is nothing, NOTHING at all crazy about running for twelve hours
Dec 2013
7:55am, 6 Dec 2013
1,498 posts
Doesn't matter what list you are on they will let you change on the day as long as you tell them before the races starts.
Dec 2013
8:11am, 6 Dec 2013
1,216 posts
If you're not planning on being competitive, I reckon you might as well enter the 24 hour race, even if you only think you'll do 12 hours, and see how you feel at midnight - you could then keep going, simply stop, or stop, have a wee sleep and start again. OK, your "24 hour" distance might look rubbish if you stop after 12 hours but who cares?
In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think there is no point in entering the 12 hour version unless you have a chance at the prizes.
Dec 2013
8:25am, 6 Dec 2013
5,634 posts
mrs shanksi
I agree with entering the 24, but you have to be clear in your head what you want to do. If you think you'll do 12 then see how you feel I would be more likely to quit at 12. Best to say 24 hours all along. This is what happened to me this year, I said 100 miles and once I reached it I stopped and couldn't go again as my ankle swelled up. I reckon if I had only thought 24 hrs I would have kept going and ankle would have been fine.
Dec 2013
11:09am, 6 Dec 2013
332 posts
Love it:
"Phew, because there is nothing, NOTHING at all crazy about running for twelve hours"
Spicey - don't let them pressurise you into opting for the 24
Dec 2013
11:13am, 6 Dec 2013
5,635 posts
mrs shanksi
Spicey please do exactly what you want, I'm not trying to persuade anyone to do 24. Of course it's crazy to run for all those hours! I'm looking forward to this already! Party
Dec 2013
1:52pm, 6 Dec 2013
21,390 posts
I was going to enter the 12 (as a step up from Fling, as previously discussed). But I wanted to practice night running. So I contacted organisers Bill and Mike through Facebook and asked if I could start at midnight rather than midday and do my 12 hours at night. They said "Enter the 24, and start when you like. If you tell the starter what time you started, they'll even record your time and distance for you".
Awesome! And emphasizes the flexible and friendly nature of ultras.
So I've gone for 24, will start and midday, but expect to stop in middle of night some time, maybe 6 or 8 am. :-)G
Dec 2013
7:05pm, 6 Dec 2013
9 posts
I've entered the 12, as I've never done anything like this time/possible distance before - like the idea of just swanning round as many times as I can and in my own time. Not sure how I'd cope with 24 for a first go, but seriously looking forward to it!
The camping could be fun, especially if the other half really does come as my crew!