Jan 2020
1:18pm, 16 Jan 2020
33,879 posts
Brilliant um, many thanks. I will only look at 11 and above for my next update. Thanks! G
Jan 2020
1:52pm, 16 Jan 2020
1,613 posts
3-10 done, and added in those over there --> and sorted alphabetically. Quicker than I expected (selected a page, pasted as text to excel, then edited/deleted) I did drop the avatar explanations. Can add back in if wanted, or still valid? Or let me know any changes to format / style etc - or can fmail if easier
Can do anothe 10 pages or so tomorrow if wanted ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice the Camel - I was living in a sandpit in the Middle East when I joined Fetch, and I have a lumpy body shape...hence Alice the Camel.
Angus Clydesdale - Angus : county in NE Scotland where I live & work, and which I love. Clydesdale : with a lifelong love of heavy working horses I’ve always loved the aspirational statement of the breed description. This combined with my own stature (front row rugby player, back in the day) and the modern colloquialism for a weighty athlete made for a combination. I liked the fact that it almost sounded like a real person too. And then I discovered that there’s actually a number of real Angus Clydesdales out there (notably related to the peerage! :-oThat Angus Clydesdale was an officer in the RAF and a racing driver in the late '60s). Hopefully none of them mind too much..."
Badger - Historical colour scheme of my hair. Pretty much all grey now.
Cerrertonia - ceratonia siliqua (carob tree) seeds packet next to the PC when choosing name!
Cotty67 - Last name Cottam and year of birth 67 hence Cotty67
DeeGee - My first and middle initial, spelled phonetically.
Derby Tup - a Derbyshire folk dance but also the name of a very good real ale pub in Chesterfield
Diogenes - Diogenes was my name on that other place for a couple of reasons. Firstly it was ironic: Diogenes of Sinope was none for his stoicism, self-denial, and rejection of the finer things in life whereas I am not. Secondly, it was a pun, because when I began running I was worried about my dodgy knees. It turned out they were the least of my worries.
DoricQuine - Doric is the dialect spoken up here in the NE of Scotland and quine (pronounced kwine) is Doric for lass or girl. At my advanced age I'm maybe pushing it being called a quine but I'd rather have that than wifie!
edison - One half of an anagram of my name
Elsie Too - My initials are LC, but so are my husbands and he had them first.
Exmoor Runner - Mine is fairly self explanatory I like to run on the hills of Exmoor
Flatlander - When I joined Fetch, I knew straight away what name I wanted to use but it was already taken like Sigh's was, so I had to use a boring name. Fortunately, it was an unused account which became available after a couple of years so I snapped it up straight away. Flatlander was born! The name is self explanatory - I live in the flat lands on the edge of the East Anglian Fens. It also has a nice sound to it (well it does to me! ;-)) and rolls off the tongue nicely (so much so that other people outside of Fetch keep tying to pinch it!).
FML - "I was originally ""For My Light"" My music taste is still heavily influenced by 80s Goth music, including 'For Her Light' by Fields of the Nephilim and 'Light my way' by NFD So combined the two, to come up with For My Light. Which over the years has been shortened to FML Later I found out that FML is already an acronym of 'F$%k my Life'
Gobi - "Gobi - pronounced GOBBY.
Started as a joke as I am a Star Wars fan so I was briefly Gobi_Wan , then Gobi_one pronounced Gobby_One and just became Gobi but the spelling was never corrected. Really I'm the Dark Lord but Gobi works :¬) Have got used to being called GObi as in dessert and embraced that. Might change my name to Sandy"
Goofee - sticky out teeth as a kid but reclaimed the language of oppression and then respelled.
GordonG - "years ago, when emails at work were a new and exciting thing, the place i worked at that time decided that work email addresses would be ""first name @ Company Name"". As there were two Gordon's, the other one became GordonT and I became GordonG, soon pronounced as one word i.e. Gordong. To this day when i meet up with colleagues from that job they still refer to me as Gordong."
HellsBells - Helen, plus campanology, plus hearing loss due to 80s metal gigs!
Homer - Homer is my aspirational body double. On top of that he can achieve anything that he doesn't set his mind to
jabberknit - Mine came with me from Ravelry (a fabulous website which is like Fetch-for-knitting) and is a combo of my initials and knitting. Knitting is one of the other things I like to do, though sadly not so much recently due to arthritic thumb joints. Probably caused by too much knitting over the last 50 years.
Jock Itch - "I actually wanted to register as Jock Strap but it was taken, the next best thing was Jock Itch Referred too as Itchy, Itch, Itchster, Jock, Jockster over the years. Introduced myself once at a race to a fellow fetchie and they refused to shake my hand thinking I'd pass on this ailment :("
John Bach - Bach in Welsh is small - I'm 5'5"!
K5Gus - Phonetic surname and abbreviated forename with random number in middle on a DVLA plate!
KatieB - Mine is too complex to explain.
larkim - The first username that was allocated to me at my first job. Dull!
Lip Gloss - just cause I wear my lippy all the time!
Lizzie W - My name is Liz. Liz x has always been taken and I didn't want to be too blatantly obvious eg to work, also lacking imagination, so went for Lizzie C, then later married Mr W. My unofficial Fetch name is Wizzle (and variants of, thanks to Grep), which gets used elsewhere if Lizzie W is taken!
macca 53 - I was always called Macca at school. macca of the 1953 vintage.
Maclennane - "MAC-len-ANNE I was looking for a username for yahoo chat back in the year 2000, whilst half cut on Irish whiskey and listening to the pogues' Sally Maclennane"
Mandymoo - Mine is simple - name is Mandy (not Amanda) and mandymoo has always been a nickname. People seem to enjoy shouting it out when name is on a t shirt in a race too. Quite amusing hearing the "mandymooo
McGoohan - "In the great Before-Time, before there was a website called Fetcheveryone, I was a member of a fansite for the Chester-based, universally agreed best-band-in-the-word-like-evs Mansun. Their second album, Six, the greatest thing ever recorded in the history of humanity, is partially themed on the old TV series The Prisoner. I needed a member name (for Mansunite.com) and NumberSix, Portmeirion etc had all gone. So I picked McGoohan. I've been McGoohan wherever possible on all internet-based things since."
minardi - "When I joined Fetch, I didn't realise how important a user name would be - doh! I love Formula 1 and at the time, Minardi were the team always at the back of the grid so it seemed appropriate."
Nellers - "I've used Brian pretty much since I started because I think in real life I'm about as far from The Blessed One as could be. I'm cleanshaven, fair hair, weedy and quiet. I often get confused looks when I meet a new Fetchie at a race because I'm not what they pictured at all." Really Neil but called Nellers by Greppers, who is really GregP.
Night-owl - Because I work nights and I am. I'm not a morning person.
northernslowcoach - "My name came with me from RW. Signed up, saw everyone was using nom de plumes so came up with mine cos I live in the north of England and am not the fastest ;)"
oi you - It was my old mum’s pet name for me.
Old Croc - It was my hash name (still is I suppose). When I hashed overseas I wore a hat that was like Crocodile Dundee - so when I was given a hash name someone suggested that it should be Crocodile Dundee but some wag shouted out more like an old croc - so that stuck!
One Pace Carl - "No matter if going up hill, down hill or along the flat I always seem to be going at the same pace ! It makes me look good in races when I over take the walkers going up hills but then they catch me going down them !"
Rach E - I'm Rach E as my name is Keith McSpoddan, of course.
Raemond - "I'm Raemond. Across as many platforms and fora as I can be (I grumble excessively if someone has dared to take it already, but will reluctantly settle for Raemondo or The Great Raemondo. Never Raemond The Great, though, that would be weird), and in real life. I am far more likely to respond to raemond that the name on my passport/driver's licence/birth certificate. When some people learn that name, despite me never using it, they try to call me by it and I will mostly respond ' who's that?' Some even try to introduce a different shortform of that name. If they're lucky I just tell them NO, if they persist I will probably cease to interact with them."
Rosehip - "Mulbs named me as my original choice was not shout out or introduction friendly. All diminutive versions of my name were taken and no one calls me by my full first name. My nickname has always been hippo, but we had a famous plodding one of those- Being somewhat autumnal, it also suits my age!"
Sam Jelfs - "Hmm... I don't know why mine is what it is
In all honesty, when I was a lot younger I got into an online argument with someone who hid behind a username (though I knew who they were IRL), who decided to sling a lot of criticism at an event I was involved with. I made a point of using my real name, standing by everything I said, and allowing people to confront me over it, while they were a two-face POS. I think if more people were forced to be held to account of what they say online the better..."
Sigh - "Si" standard abbreviation of Simon, but taken in Fetch. Experimented with other odd spellings but settled on "Sigh" as that's my default expression of exasperation
StuH - "Well, IRL my name is Hugo St. Urbain… Or maybe I have no imagination/CBA!"
Surrey Phil - My name is Phil and I live in Surrey!
The Scribbler - "I was originally Spacegal when I joined Fetch as this was an avatar name I used elsewhere at the time and is linked to my love of David Bowie. I love writing and work as a marketing copywriter, so I also had a blog called The Scribbler. When I started blogging on Fetch and realised what a rich and wonderful source of writing it was, I switched to The Scribbler. I love it when I get shouts of 'Scribbler' or 'Scribbs' when I race and like my 'Smell of' nickname which is QSTIS (cheers Greppers)."
Velociraptor - It's a long story going back to 2001 when I found the RW US site (I didn't know there was a UK site at the time) and wasn't going to let anyone on there have reason to suspect that I wasn't a bloke and talk down to me. (If you think that's not A Thing, go and hang around the Letsrun forums for five minutes.) VP, then aged 7, was into dinosaurs at the time. A year or two earlier and I might have been Boco the Diseasel.
Watford Wobble - "I relocated over 4 years ago Surrey Phil and never did change the Watford bit. I was considering 'The Wobbler' but I think there is too much history now. I now live in Weldon."
Wednesday Mouse - We had a hamster called Wednesday. We called her Wednesday Mouse because it sounded better than Wednesday Hamster, despite the fact that she was definitely a hamster and not a mouse (I don't really know why, but it just sort of stuck). I was looking around for inspiration when I was signing up for a new email address, saw WM's box and that was that. Not long after getting the email address, I signed up for Fetch.
westmoors - My name is the village I live in rolled into a single word. If I move, I won't change it!
zz - Actually, there are some similar nicknames for nicknames on the 700 thread. Formerly and Latterly for Sombrero and Lazy Daisy. Mostly they’ve been coined by Fleecy. .
Jan 2020
2:01pm, 16 Jan 2020
33,882 posts
Wow, great job um. I'll copy and paste into sidebar. Wonder if Fetch will let all that text in!? I was going to limit them to 1-2 lines to have a chance of fitting it in! G
Jan 2020
2:05pm, 16 Jan 2020
1,615 posts
G - maybe see if they can be added like the group page entries & members notes? (eg choosing one at random https://www.fetcheveryone.com/groups-view.php?id=506)
That way they are nicely formatted and only accessed on request rather than every page display?
Jan 2020
2:05pm, 16 Jan 2020
44,865 posts
This thread is going to break the site
Jan 2020
2:41pm, 16 Jan 2020
33,883 posts
I could do it in a Wiki, but I preferred the idea of it being in the side bar. Let's see if it breaks! G
Jan 2020
2:53pm, 16 Jan 2020
1,385 posts
Love Lettuce
Nice idea!
Love Lettuce - The name of my favourite, now sadly extinct, face mask.
Jan 2020
3:03pm, 16 Jan 2020
1,166 posts
Wednesday Mouse
LL - was that one of the Lush face masks? I love the Catastrophe Cosmetic mask every now and again
Jan 2020
3:18pm, 16 Jan 2020
33,884 posts
Crikey, it is a bit enormous, isn't it?! And it's going to get 7 times bigger! G
Jan 2020
3:19pm, 16 Jan 2020
33,885 posts
I bet that's going to be horrid on mobile!