Fetchnames - explain yours! :-)

102 watchers
Mar 2019
8:55am, 20 Mar 2019
30,796 posts
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Hi Fetchies
Come here and tell me about your Fetchname:

- how did you come up with it?

- how do you pronounce it? (prompted by pedroscalls - is it Pedro-Scalls or Pedros-Calls? And what does it mean?!)

- and if it's just "JamesSmith", then why didn't you think it was necessary to come up with a hilarious and anonymous moniker?!

I'll start:
It was Grrr (a name I used back in online gaming days in the 90s when 4 letters was possible because there weren't 1 billion people playing online). My name is Gavin Orr, so G. Orr, GORR, becomes GRRR (and as most of the games were driving, flying, shooting, it was appropriately aggressive!) When I came on Fetch I was Grrr, but in forums, people starting with "Grrr, how are you this evening..." looked like everyone was fighting and angry. So it was suggested I change it. By santababy, no less, who was Queen of Fetch 10 years ago! As I am mostly Happy, and as a deliberate contrast to Grrr, I changed to HappyG (but wanted to keep the "formerly known as Grrr" so parenthesised the (rrr). :-) )

So there you have it. Long winded, but that's the sort of explanation I'm talking about.

If you want, you can also explain your avatar but as I view the forum with avatars turned off, it won't mean much to me. I didn't get all the Hendo lion jokes for ages!

I'll throw in a few who I'd like to know:
Garfield (the cartoon cat?!)
Valyrian Plastic (no idea!)
Lip Gloss (is it just make up?!)
Eynsham Red (is it something to do with football? If so, less interested! ;-) )


:-) G
Mar 2019
9:02am, 20 Mar 2019
18,501 posts
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My first and middle initial, spelled phonetically.

Because I have no sense of humour.
Mar 2019
9:02am, 20 Mar 2019
30,013 posts
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Derby Tup
Derby Tup is a Derbyshire folk dance but also the name of a very good real ale pub in Chesterfield

I was born in Derby and went to the pub a few times in the 90’s. I’ve not seen, never mind actually done the dance
Mar 2019
9:04am, 20 Mar 2019
26,826 posts
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macca 53
I was always called. Macca at school as was my son - I tried using macca’sdad first but Fetch doesn’t allow apostrophes, so I’m macca of the 1953 vintage.
Mar 2019
9:09am, 20 Mar 2019
3,460 posts
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Well, my friends call me "Si" as a standard abbreviation of Simon, but I can't have that as someone has already had that - they've callously taken my nickname and then not bothered with the site :-O


Plus - "Si" can be misinterpreted as Italian for "Yes" so that doesn't work; I briefly experimented with other odd spellings (Siye, Sy, Sai) but settled on "Sigh" as that's my default expression of exasperation, esp. at work :-)

My backup name is now reserved as "Soft Target" after my recent trend of grossly underestimating my race potential on a regular basis :-)
Mar 2019
9:11am, 20 Mar 2019
30,797 posts
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Cool, loving these (even the more mundane ones - DeeGee, I'm looking at you B-) ! ;-) ) :-) G
Mar 2019
9:12am, 20 Mar 2019
30,798 posts
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Oh, and DT, isn't a Tup a ram that does the sheep, ahem, servicing for the making of the lambies?! You can't claim it's named after a dance or a pub if your name actually means Stallion!! :-) G
Mar 2019
9:12am, 20 Mar 2019
3,461 posts
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Just found this for DT:

Mar 2019
9:13am, 20 Mar 2019
3,462 posts
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(not actually watched it as on a Skype call at work, and concerned that tech will conspire to share it inappropriately!)
Mar 2019
9:14am, 20 Mar 2019
10,545 posts
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Historical colour scheme of my hair. Pretty much all grey now.

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
Hi Fetchies

Come here and tell me about your Fetchname:
- how did you come up with it?
- how do you pronounce it? (prompted by pedroscalls - is it Pedro-Scalls or Pedros-Calls?

There're are a few that um and I've summarised from answers in the thread in a lovely Wiki article here:

Here is the list to read AND ADD YOUR NAME !!


Feel free to add your own name here and also in the article, in the style above.

Remember, everyone can edit a Wiki, just follow the link!

Cheers! :-) G

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