
6 watchers
Mar 2015
9:40am, 18 Mar 2015
11,126 posts
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How's this for an idea?

Provide a facility for anyone planning an interesting run who'd fancy a bit of company to advertise their plan, giving information such as
meeting point
meeting time
whether the route is familiar or new to the leader

The new information should be viewable as a map or calendar.
Mar 2015
9:48am, 18 Mar 2015
735 posts
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Nice idea Chris, I've thought about something similar a number of times. Would be nice to have a bit of company on my long runs. I'd definitely add to it.
Mar 2015
12:14pm, 18 Mar 2015
19,088 posts
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Great idea
Mar 2015
12:22pm, 18 Mar 2015
15,816 posts
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I think it's a great idea too :-)

I tried to build something like this about 4-5 years ago - I called it the 'Meet Market'. But it didn't quite take off, perhaps because I was trying to cover too large an area in one go.

Believe it or not, I do have plans to do something similar again in the near future (although at the moment I'm focusing on getting the mobile site sorted). The idea this time is to replace the (almost completely broken / unusable) member map, and 'who's near you' pages with a more useful page of local activity. So you could go to a particular area e.g. Bedford, and see who's active on the site, local races and parkruns, local club information, local businesses related to running, and also to create a sort of noticeboard feature, whereby people can suggest group runs, or other get-togethers.
Mar 2015
12:26pm, 18 Mar 2015
25,548 posts
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Old Croc
could be useful for us more "remote" Fetchies
Mar 2015
12:39pm, 18 Mar 2015
736 posts
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In the meantime, I suppose a single thread per local area "Surrey Sunday Route Mob" or something for myself would get us going.
Mar 2015
12:56pm, 18 Mar 2015
11,127 posts
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Ian, I know you have a knack for getting things right, but it's not clear to me that your idea would be as easy to use as mine. OTOH there's not been an overwhelming response, so maybe mine's not needed.
Mar 2015
4:18pm, 18 Mar 2015
20,152 posts
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Lady Fleecy of Mudshire
I think your idea could be good for fetch's local pages, ChrisHB. Yours is a fine idea, but it could be hard to find otherwise? Whereas if fetch mobs had an obvious landing point then people would know where to go.

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Maintained by ChrisHB
How's this for an idea?

Provide a facility for anyone planning an interesting run who'd fancy a...

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