Fetch Treasure Hunt

102 watchers
Feb 2020
10:25am, 13 Feb 2020
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I am completely in agreement on selfies WS but I have on occasion, when possible, artistically placed my Fetch buff in the picture as a substitute for a selfie.
Feb 2020
10:33am, 13 Feb 2020
25,489 posts
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Wriggling Snake
That's a good idea, I have my Fetch Shirt (If I can find it), that will work.
Feb 2020
12:43pm, 13 Feb 2020
42,910 posts
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I don't do selfies WS, looking forward to your blog. :)
Feb 2020
1:36pm, 13 Feb 2020
1,726 posts
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No selfies either - unless I get help taking the picture.

But I did go into Salisbury today, and used the opportunity for some street art.
Real street art, with history, explanation and 'underpass' all in one.

First the stitched image (there's not really a crack/roof-warp), then the explanation, and then what it really looks like.

The other side has one as well - but I hadn't thought about photo stitching while there, so that was a fail. And I may need that for a future treasure hunt.

I wondered about another 'look up' (spire, Elizabethan Odeon, WH Smiths clocktower on a Waterstones shop), but it was pouring and I was in danger of being wetter than a wet Katie. They will have to wait for another time and interpretion.

Hoping I've got the right codes

Feb 2020
5:50pm, 13 Feb 2020
29,199 posts
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Oh I like that a lot Um!
Feb 2020
6:36pm, 13 Feb 2020
8,020 posts
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I am having difficulty viewing pictures today - including any that I have previously uploaded myself. For example the ones posted in this thread by um appear as a small black square and the same when I click on it. This is also the same with people's pictures in blogs today.

When I go to the gallery I can see what the picture is among all the images but if I try to look at just one in more close up detail it is the same as above. This is viewing on a PC (I haven't yet tried on my ipad) and websites are hopeless on my phone (or rather I am hopeless at seeing anything on a phone screen without a pair of specs!)

Anyone else experienced this or know what I can do to put it right? I know I should send feedback to Mr Fetch but in case there is a simple solution I thought I would ask here first than waste his time making myself look stupid!
Feb 2020
6:42pm, 13 Feb 2020
29,200 posts
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No idea, sorry, Baroness.
Feb 2020
6:44pm, 13 Feb 2020
23,348 posts
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BBL - a feedback would be great - can you include info on what browser you're using? And if possible, can you test it on some other device too? I've added some security updates to the site today, and half wonder whether it might be related.
Feb 2020
6:54pm, 13 Feb 2020
42,913 posts
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Have you tried re-booting your pc?
Feb 2020
6:57pm, 13 Feb 2020
13,645 posts
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I get the same thing using Internet Explorer. When I use Chrome on the same PC, all is well.

About This Thread

Maintained by um
Rules and history fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=564

October 2024 - LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺
1: autumn leaf - red
2: autumn leaf - yellow
3: misty morning/fog
4: the biggest (or best) fungus
5: acorns & conkers
6: shortening days
7: shadows of the evening
8: harvest
9: crisp
10: Hallowe'en

September 2024 - cackleberry
Here you go, and a bonus point got getting the theme
[ ] Hill/Mountain

[ ] Wood/forest
[ ] Public convenience

[ ] Trig point
[ ] Boundary
[ ] Bridge
[ ] Bridlepath
[ ] Youth hostel
[ ] Telephone box
[ ] Compass bearing

August 2024 - um
1) 5 rings
2) Long
3) High
4) Triple
5) 100
6) 10,000
7) Hammer
8) Hurdle
9) Marathon
10) Medal

July 2024 - Sweetie
1) Sun
2) Sea or C
3) Sand
4) Ruby
5) Water lily / lily
6) Anyone for tennis?
7) Independence
8) Dog days
9) Kebab (12th July is world kebab day apparently!)
10) Let the games begin

June 2024 - cackleberry
N to Z (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)

May 2024 - cackleberry
A to M (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)
(and you can guess what's coming for June)

April 2024 - cackleberry
Colours of the rainbow.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet (Purple)
- Black
- White

March 2024 - Autumnleaves
1. Daffodils
2. Beware!
3. Easter
4. Lion
5. Lamb
6. Hedgerow
7. Egg
8. Palm Sunday
9. Mother's Day
10. Clock

February 2024 - Ultracat
1. Year of the Dragon
2. Hearts
3. Sign of Spring
4. Traditional or modern
5. Amethyst (purple)
6. 2 Fish
7. Water feature
8. Olympics
9. Ginger
10. Fat Thursday (TÅ‚usty czwartek).

The rest of January 2024, Chrisity
5 (or more) intresting things within a mile of your house

12 Days of Christmas, Reiver
Day 1 25th : Your festive meal
Day 2 26th : Santa Claus
Day 3 27th : A Christmas window
Day 4 28th : Holly & Ivy
Day 5 29th : An outdoor Christmas tree
Day 6 30th : Six geese a laying
Day 7 31st : 'that's crackers!'
Day 8 1st : A New Year’s Day activity
Day 9 2nd : Back to normal
Day 10 3rd : The most dishevelled decoration
Day 11 4th : FIRE

November 2023, cackleberry
1. A nice bridge
2. Clouds
3. Post activity treat
4. Remembrance
5. Body part
6. Sculpture
7. Black and white
8. The letter S
9. Trio
10. Happy Birthday to Cackleberry!!

Watch out for an update for another Xmas special!
Conspiracy theory? There may be another badge

October 2023, Mandymoo
1. A rainbow
2. A carved pumpkin
3. A worm
4. Your favorite cake
5. A witch
6. A bucket
7. A JCB/Digger
8. Something blowing
9. Something bumpy
10. Something wet

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