Apr 2016
12:08pm, 7 Apr 2016
1,493 posts
yes it does make it really special. And my friend had a permanent air of sadness about her which had been there for so long that I didn't really notice it until she fell pregnant when it lifted. She now has a permanent air of contentment. It's pretty amazing really. Also she's having contractions now!
Apr 2016
12:20pm, 7 Apr 2016
17,156 posts
K was told at 30, after three years of concerted effort on our part, that she was going through the menopause early. We went through about three years of various tests and interventions, to be told that her egg count was so low that she would require donor eggs. That led to some heartwrenching discussions.
Alex was conceived naturally shortly after.
We always wanted another, although thought it would be really unlikely, previous diagnoses and all that. Never put too much thought into it...
Apr 2016
9:31pm, 7 Apr 2016
67 posts
Ahhh lovely to hear things do work out.
I was told years ago that my endometriosis was too bad for natural conception but I wasn't bothered then as I didn't want kids with my then partner but things changed when I met my husband (through the Runners World forum!). Fortunately the endo actually wasn't an issue and I just needed drugs to get me ovulating properly. Think it's a family thing though as it took my parents four years to conceive my brother and my grandparents seven years to conceive my mum...they even went to the doctor to check they were doing the sex bit right! I bet that took some courage in the late 1930s!!
Apr 2016
5:08pm, 8 Apr 2016
1,494 posts
My friend is in the hospital - went in at lunchtime and I haven't heard anything since. Really hoping everything is OK and she's busy enjoying the new bubba.
Apr 2016
6:35pm, 8 Apr 2016
1,495 posts
Phew. She's fine. Just going slowly.
Apr 2016
11:39am, 9 Apr 2016
1,496 posts
And just heard that baby Rowan arrived safely this morning by c section after very long and difficult labour. So happy and feeling a bit emotional tbh.
Apr 2016
11:42am, 9 Apr 2016
8,735 posts
Great news and a beautiful name.
Apr 2016
1:28pm, 9 Apr 2016
68 posts
Good to hear all ended well.
Apr 2016
10:54pm, 10 Apr 2016
17,174 posts
K's off to see her consultant tomorrow. He has previous, according to some of the other mums on the estate, of suggesting a sweep at 37 weeks if it's an older mum or if mum's in pain. Of course, K ticks both those boxes, and if it's suggested, knowing how she's struggling, she won't refuse.
Let's see what tomorrow brings. Bags are all packed...
Apr 2016
8:34pm, 17 Apr 2016
427 posts
Hi everyone, Hope all Mummy's, Daddy's, babies and toddlers are well. I don't seem to manage to pop in much these days so just a quick one to say that I still have the Fetch baby boy box. I've lost track of whether any little boys are on their way or have recently arrived but if anyone wants it passed on to them, now or in the future, please drop me an Fmail and I'll pop it in the post.