Feb 2016
5:45pm, 24 Feb 2016
924 posts
Yep, 3 weeks left to go but they don't think it's likely she'll turn herself during that time as she's running out of room!
Feb 2016
6:22pm, 24 Feb 2016
1,506 posts
Our midwife suggested moxibustion which although they don't know why it works apparently is very successful, or shining a torch through belly and moving it downwards whilst having something very cold at the top end and apparently they may follow the light!
Feb 2016
6:22pm, 24 Feb 2016
1,507 posts
Also, look at spinning babies website
Feb 2016
6:45pm, 24 Feb 2016
10,765 posts
Spinning babies website. Youngest was breech till 39 weeks, I spent a lot of time over the ball and doiniadsof the spinning babies stuff. They can turn on their own till quite late if you help a bit. Good luck xx
Feb 2016
7:04pm, 24 Feb 2016
4,837 posts
What Jude said about the ball. Also it's a bit hippie but apparently visualisation can help. It was covered on my hypno course. When I get home I'll re-read the chapter as I can't theme exactly what was involved. It was something to do with visualising the correct position. It can't do any harm I suppose
Feb 2016
8:51pm, 24 Feb 2016
10,766 posts
I visualised too, weirdly it felt like it helped x
Feb 2016
10:36pm, 28 Feb 2016
4,118 posts
Hello mummies, wow it feels like such a long time since I had a baby I can barely remember it all. My youngest is 2.5 now and I am no longer keeping up with the thread. I wish you all lots of happy times ahead with your bumps and babies, cherish the amazing moments and do whatever it takes to stay sane in the early days. Thanks for all the amazing support and chat on this thread over the last many (how many!??) years. Bye for now xx
Feb 2016
7:13pm, 29 Feb 2016
1,508 posts
Any news on WineLegs?
Mar 2016
12:43am, 1 Mar 2016
4,076 posts
Wine Legs
Hello, here I am...sitting on the bed with a twin latched on each boob...pretty much my life now.
Pip & Squeak were born on Saturday 20th February at 5:16 & 5:30. They were born naturally using kiwi cup / ventouse. I was initially induced on Friday morning, then went into labour naturally. And then I pushed them out in theatre while being threatened with a c-section which I was desperate to avoid. I had epidural up to my eyeballs, which I wasn't that happy with, but felt I had little choice over. Still, I bloody well did it. I am proud about that.
Pip was 2.82kg / 6lb 3oz & Squeak was 2.12kg / 4lb 10oz. Pip is a boy, now known as Isaac, and Squeak is a girl now known as Amber...and she really does squeak :-D
Squeak was whipped away pronto when she was born & she spent about 24hours in the Special Care Baby Unit. This was for breathing difficulties plus the shock of a very fast delivery for her which played havoc with her blood sugar level. It was very weird having her taken away & not being able to bond properly until we got her back.
We ended up spending a week in hospital, as Pip got very bad jaundice, which reoccurred. He spent a lot of time under a phototherapy light. He was so good about this & it was awful not being able to cuddle him for days whilebje was treated (only briefly allowed out for feeding basically).
Not sure what else there is to report at this stage. We've been home a few days now & are slowly settling into a routine.
Binks & I are extraordinarily fortunate to have the most amazing friends in SilverShadow, ElsieToo & KatieB...they've done shopping, mowed lawns, provided physio & generally just been all round bloody amazing.
Mar 2016
6:28am, 1 Mar 2016
2,545 posts
Alice the Camel
I'm so glad I thought to wander in here, what lovely news Wine Legs! Huge congratulations to Bint and you, enjoy your babies. Amber and Isaac, lovely names xxxx