May 2013
6:49am, 11 May 2013
11,100 posts
Naomi P
Pub nearby is the best bet, it's quite changeable at the moment. But there's usually a few cans of stuff about once the running's over.
May 2013
10:34am, 11 May 2013
7,919 posts
And during...
May 2013
10:46am, 11 May 2013
1,919 posts
I fully and quite rationally expect to run my slowest ever mile today. I am overweight and have done nothing approximating 'speed' work for about a year. But that's ok. Sort of ...
May 2013
10:47am, 11 May 2013
1,920 posts
PS - cakes are ready :-). Sultanas were marinaded in bourbon overnight
May 2013
10:51am, 11 May 2013
3,232 posts
I seem to have been rather foolish and pelted it around parkrun today for a new pb, and my legs are letting me know about it
Will still be there. At Battersea Park just after 2pm so will find the track from there and try to look like I know what I am doing.
May 2013
1:31pm, 11 May 2013
7,191 posts
Mrs Winkle
I'm coming now. I have one can of lager, and the remnants of a virus. Go me!
May 2013
1:48pm, 11 May 2013
3,822 posts
Me too, won't run further than 100 metres though.
May 2013
1:53pm, 11 May 2013
1,233 posts
Might have got here a bit early
May 2013
6:36pm, 11 May 2013
8,764 posts
Here are the official results
4.49 Willimo 5.29 Fravage 5.40 Geprig 6.17 Magpie Rob 6.21 BCRB 6.30 NaomiP 6.35 Ed (not a Fetchie) 6.38 MrsWinkle 6.39 HermanBloom
Congratulations to HB on two PBs in a day.
Official Spectator List (possibly incomplete)
Enthusastic! (time shouter) & Mike PaulaMC Sharkie ChrisHB
Cake suppliers
PaulaMC (banana & walnut) Rob (sponge with jam & cream) forgotten (cupcakes) ChrisHB (M&S cookies)
Congratulations to all; next time in September? Or earlier? Suggestions welcome.
Anyone prefer the free track in Feltham that was mentioned?
After the event I walked round Battersea Park for well over an hour, just enjoying it. I'm sure many people would pay quite a lot to see all that's there, if it were National Trust for example. Funny really, because I've run in it a few times now and never noticed what's inside the perimeter road.
May 2013
6:41pm, 11 May 2013
1,235 posts
May and September are the obvious times for a track mile, thanks again for arranging! North London, say Parliament Hill would be a lot more accessible for me but not sure this riff raff would fit into the Highgate set.