Fetch London Mile 12 - Battersea - Saturday 3rd September 2011 - 3.30pm (NOT 3PM)

1 lurker | 26 watchers
Aug 2011
7:47am, 29 Aug 2011
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Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
Would like to say I'll be thinking of you all while playing with my new toy but I'd be lying ;)
Aug 2011
7:48am, 29 Aug 2011
1,660 posts
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Can't make this now. :-( or :-) - not sure!! lol
Aug 2011
6:25pm, 29 Aug 2011
11 posts
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Hi, not done one of these before and have a few questions:

1. Can you just turn up or do I need to register on the site?
2. Can I bring along my 9 year old to run and if so will he run with me, or is there a separate children's event?
3. Not been to Battersea Park for a while, what's the parking like?

Sorry to appear a little clueless!
Aug 2011
7:00pm, 29 Aug 2011
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Hello. Welcome. I doubt I'll be there but the answers are....

1. You could just turn up but better to put the race in your portfolio so John knows who is coming and what rough expected times they have so that he can organise the groups.
2. If your 9 yo has run a mile before and has an expected time then he could run with the adults in a similar time bracket but there may well be a kids race if one is required.
3. Don't know ;-)
Aug 2011
8:16pm, 29 Aug 2011
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1. You can just turn up. I always like to have a rough idea of numbers and if I'm really bored I split the Fetchies into races only to find out that 6 people who added the race can't make it and 2 people come who haven't added the race. Basically, come along.

2. Yes. Kids are very welcome. Not sure how many kids there will be, mine aren't around but I think the Rosie B family will be there.

3. I think there's parking but not sure. It's well served by Battersea Park and Queenstown Rd stations (both BR)
Aug 2011
8:29pm, 29 Aug 2011
9,602 posts
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there are a couple of car parks in the park, not sure if you have to pa, but i would guess yes.
Aug 2011
8:31pm, 29 Aug 2011
1,280 posts
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I am needed elsewhere on the Sat now, so will have to skip this one.
Aug 2011
9:50pm, 29 Aug 2011
2,328 posts
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yikes only just realised that this is happening THIS weekend coming ... I hadn't written it on my calendar or in my diary at work - not sure if I'll definitely be able to make it - will depend what time we get back from our orienteering event. May bring 9 year old and/or 6 year old (weather dependent).
Aug 2011
9:55pm, 29 Aug 2011
13 posts
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Will be coming but minus son. Looking forward to it though.
Aug 2011
9:58pm, 29 Aug 2011
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Good stuff Rundude.

I, on the other hand, have just removed myself from the list to avoid messing up the system by not being there...

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