Fetch Fell Runners

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Jan 2020
5:20pm, 29 Jan 2020
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Entries open on Sat for:
1. 3P
2. Edale Skyline
3. Newlands Memorial
4. Guisboro' 3T (if you've got 'guaranteed' entry status - Fri 8th for the rest of us mortals)

Also When looking at Newlands (formerly Anni Waltz) results in the Fellrunner from last year, I noticed some comment about following flags up Robinson(?) - presumably this is the line up from the valley to Blea Crags? Does this mean you can no longer go up High Snab bank and along the top? (which is what I was considering doing if I enter the race this year).
Jan 2020
5:26pm, 29 Jan 2020
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I assume Guisborough Three Tops is an English or British champs race again? Seems a bit of an odd choice, it’s very trail-y and the last time it was a champs race I think a good number of the leading runners went the wrong due to missing flags or marshalls. Surprised it’s returning, if you wanted a race in the North East there must be better alternatives?
Jan 2020
5:37pm, 29 Jan 2020
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G3T is indeed a champs race again.

Apparently a slightly different route? eskvalleyfellclub.org

I've never done any NYM races (as yet), so wouldn't know the alternatives.
Jan 2020
5:39pm, 29 Jan 2020
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Also, leading runners going the wrong way is not a surprise. Sometimes I do think most of them cannot navigate and just follow each other like sheep at times!

They need to do more orienteering to supplement their fell running!
Jan 2020
5:39pm, 29 Jan 2020
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NE - The Howgills race is brilliant. I did it in on a Good Friday a couple of years ago when there was a pretty small turnout and it packs in large amount of climb.

It complements the Sedburgh Hills route nicely too as they make a kind of figure of 8. C joined them up as a training run last year but I'm not sure I'd fancy that!
Jan 2020
5:42pm, 29 Jan 2020
569 posts
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Yeah, that’s a little different - never used to climb up the Tees Link path. That start is going to be a bit congested, the path from the road to the forestry track is only wide enough for one.

It’s a good run out though, all looks very runnable :)
Jan 2020
5:43pm, 29 Jan 2020
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Very true fozzy, I’m lucky enough to be far enough back that it’s never been too much of an issue following a leader going the wrong way :)
Jan 2020
9:01pm, 29 Jan 2020
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Northern Exile
Sad to report that I've just heard that the 2020 HPM has been cancelled 😕
Jan 2020
9:03pm, 29 Jan 2020
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Jan 2020
9:40pm, 29 Jan 2020
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Northern Exile
Fozzy - I did the Waltz last year and can't remember it being flagged and I definitely saw people going along High Snab...
well, I think I did. They did ask runners to avoid the BGR line and take the long way via the fence line

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Maintained by Northern Exile
A place to discuss all aspects of running on the fells, from footwear to the best line off Scafell Pike :-) Beginners welcome!

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