Fetch Fell Runners

159 watchers
Jan 2020
8:54am, 27 Jan 2020
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Tigger Tor was a tad on the muddy side. Some bits quite difficult going.

On the other hand, I was surprised how little climb there was - only 500m in 10miles.

Shame my legs went after about 10km. I was struggling a bit for the past few miles - had that awful feeling of having to work hard just to run downhill down the road to the finish!
Jan 2020
12:31pm, 27 Jan 2020
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NE - the bit in black and white?
Jan 2020
12:38pm, 27 Jan 2020
14,934 posts
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more than one candidate - Middle tongue down and back up towards Arant Haw I assume?

just downloaded that ap it looks like it could be fun/useful
Jan 2020
2:28pm, 27 Jan 2020
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Northern Exile
Yes, that's it. The Big Dipper isn't actually a fell top at all, it's a valley. If you're just doing it as a circuit from Winder, the simplest way is to run out to Calders (marked by a big cairn) then follow the fence line east, then south onto Middle Tongue, then down to the valley bottom and stand by a lung-burster. There aren't many grass climbs around as steep as that (at least not ones I know) Steel Fell on the BGR is one, Mellbreak on the FGR too I guess. The Big Dipper is commonly used for BGR training by the clubs in those parts, Howgill Harriers, Lonsdale Fell Runners etc. Here's a piccie from about a year ago:
Jan 2020
3:01pm, 27 Jan 2020
14,941 posts
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I'm out of breath just looks at that! :)

I really must post a pic of my local "hill" to give you a giggle sometime :)
Jan 2020
9:24pm, 27 Jan 2020
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NE - I passed through the Howgill Fells on my Escape from GB attempt last year & have got to say was very impressed with them and would love to run there more often. I was caught in two minds and chose to take the low path along Bowderdale instead of the Dales High Way on top but next time I'm defo headed upwards earlier to take advantage of the views / cloud cover.

I don't think I'll detour to the big dipper though looking at your picture!
Jan 2020
10:31pm, 27 Jan 2020
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Northern Exile
If anything, that picture doesn't do it justice.
Jan 2020
11:28am, 29 Jan 2020
5,865 posts
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Northern Exile
I had an email this morning from the High Cup Nick fell race organisers congratulating me on getting my entry in early and offering me £9.40 if I decide to pull out and sell my place back. Never had that happen before!!!

There's a big waiting list apparently, I've never even seen High Cup Nick before so am looking forward to it.
Jan 2020
11:30am, 29 Jan 2020
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Northern Exile
BTW, just going back to my earlier post about the Howgills and the Big Dipper: A friend from Lonsdale Fell Runners has just moved to Sedbergh and is exploring the area, she tells me that the "Cautley Beast" is even worse that the Big Dipper. Needless to say, I am going to have to try and find that!!!
Jan 2020
11:31am, 29 Jan 2020
18,920 posts
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Nice touch.

Seeing as you may know the right people, heard any more about whether the High Peak Marathon is going ahead this year?

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Maintained by Northern Exile
A place to discuss all aspects of running on the fells, from footwear to the best line off Scafell Pike :-) Beginners welcome!

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