Nov 2019
5:47pm, 19 Nov 2019
1,580 posts
Nice haul, DT.
Nov 2019
6:10pm, 19 Nov 2019
14,252 posts
very good list DT
There was a small flock of lapwings in/over the closest field to home this morning and then a really big heron stood right in the middle of the path - it was nearly as tall as me! This evening's dog cold, muddy, dark, dog walk was improved by a little owl
Lots of Pinkies using the local fields as a staging post on their long journey - Ralph is most put out that he's not allowed to lift them (I've never stopped him lifting the Canadas when they're on the winter wheat, he can't tell the difference between them and tired Pink-footed)
Nov 2019
10:21am, 21 Nov 2019
1,581 posts
I'm feeling a bit sad today. There's a beautiful cherry tree in my front garden that I've used for feeders for the birds since we moved in here 17 years ago. The cherries have provided a lot of food for the blackbirds and thrushes as well. It's been getting too big, blocking light in neighbours houses and beginning to overhang an adjoining road.
We've had to get it substantially cut back. I'm sure it will be fine but I need to rethink how I feed the birds.
I've also been thinking about the many visitors I've had on the tree. Sparrowhawk, treecreeper, bullfinch, tits, blackbirds and even a lone red squirrel. Come the spring!
Nov 2019
3:23pm, 21 Nov 2019
17,742 posts
Came within touching distance (and I do mean literally) of a pair of extremely confiding goldcrest and a LTT in a small, bare acer this morning. Beautifully cute
Nov 2019
12:46pm, 22 Nov 2019
1,582 posts
Two bullfinch eating berries off the rowan at the bottom of the garden. I wouldn't have seen them if the old cherry tree hadn't been cut.
Nov 2019
12:56pm, 22 Nov 2019
35,938 posts
Derby Tup
Red kite
Nov 2019
3:01pm, 22 Nov 2019
5,092 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I was running along a bridleway I've not been down before, and came across a red-legged partridge farm (if ‘farm’ is the right word). There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them erupting out of the hedge between the fields as I ran along. A couple of them nearly took me out as they shot out of the hedge right in front of me at about knee height.
Nov 2019
6:55pm, 22 Nov 2019
2,649 posts
Most phesants and RL partridge are reared in industrial units in the UK and France, then just released at the shoot sites.
A total of about 35 million game birds are released anually in Britain. A total biomass greater than all the native birds put together. With an alarming impact on biodiversity.
I would think more get squashed on the roads or dumped than ever get eaten. What's that all about then?
Nov 2019
7:02pm, 22 Nov 2019
14,281 posts
pheasants bred/breed (?) locally here - damn things are stupid and get everywhere! We have grey legged partridge and red - t he latter are somewhat less intelligent and not afraid of the dog *rolls eyes* and they think all cars are going to provide food. The greys are much more "flighty"
barn owl this evening. The absolute silence as it takes off from right above my head is amazing
Nov 2019
8:20pm, 22 Nov 2019
4,966 posts
Eynsham Red
Driving near Ford in the Cotswolds last year the road was like a killing field, littered with dead young pheasants 🙁