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Gosh, pheasants in your garden are noisy! Such a racket when they squawk when startled. Lovely to have them strutting about though. We have one that silhouettes himself on the hill in one of our fields. Very noble looking, or slightly comical! - think the grouse in the whisky ads.
a pair of swallows came and investigated the barn yesterday, sat on the wire for a while then went .... makes me very sad not to have any nesting here this year.
D2 I'm not sure there are many nesting anywhere round us at present. All the usual sites round here still seem to be empty and the numbers coming through the Res are well down but did pick up yesterday (for Sand Martins and Swifts too). Hopefully everything is still running a bit behind schedule.
That would be a relief ff, summer wouldn't be the same without "my" swallows. Ju has two pairs busily settling in at her house so at least there are some locally and in the family! I've not seen a swift either.
After a long wait, swifts are now regulars over the garden here. I think one of the problems for hirundines recently is that I've been either swallowing or getting in my eyes most of the flying insects they need to survive.
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