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FE Lake District Lovers

95 watchers
May 2021
5:37pm, 10 May 2021
21,035 posts
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Hoping to join you next May :)
May 2021
5:39pm, 10 May 2021
21,036 posts
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whilst I'm here
Lakeland trails Coniston Marathon - what's it likely to be like underfoot?
X-talons or roclites or nearly road shoes

(silly question, I shall probably pack them all for various outings anyway)
May 2021
5:43pm, 10 May 2021
2,374 posts
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RH - in my opinion, roclites - it's mostly decent trails and forest road - the only sticky bit is a few hundred metres up by Beacon Tarn. Road shoes would be troublesome if it gets wet between now and then while talons would batter your feet.
May 2021
5:55pm, 10 May 2021
19,829 posts
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It's a right mix of terrain. A lot of easy trail up out of the village, towards Little Langdale and around Tarn Hows, followed by a few fields that can be muddy on wet years, a lot of the logging roads up through Monk Coniston & into Grizedale, a bit of grass and then the rough, rocky, and often underwater descent down to High Nibthwaite, and then a mile or two of road to get round to Water Yeat. Up around beacon Tarn and down the other side can be very boggy even on dry years, then Torver common is typical moorland, and finally there's a couple fo miles of roots and rocks down to and along the lake back towards town!

Does that help? ;-)

I've always done it in talons, though other than around Breacon tarn they're probably overkill most years. Unless it was a very wet year roclites would be better for most sections and just have to be careful on a couple of descents and around beacon tarn. So probably whichever you're happier doing 26 miles in! Not road shoes!
May 2021
6:27pm, 10 May 2021
21,037 posts
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roclites then - thanks :)
May 2021
6:40pm, 10 May 2021
14,278 posts
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I wore road shoes when I did it and there were no issues. But it was dry.

Wouldn't consider X-talons. Roclites if wet would be ideal.
May 2021
7:39pm, 10 May 2021
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(I'm waiting for my email to choose the earliest start time I can - intend getting as much time on feet value from it as possible :) )
May 2021
9:42pm, 10 May 2021
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3 weeks on Thursday I'll be on my way North West :)
I can't wait - although I'm woefully unprepared for 8 hours of Lakeland trails.
7.15 start booked.
May 2021
10:22pm, 10 May 2021
17,925 posts
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Definitely a vote for roclites here - they've got me around the course for the last 10 years in every kind of weather :-)
May 2021
11:02pm, 10 May 2021
21,041 posts
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They get me around most terrain :) except my big toe joint objects to too much tarmac.

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Maintained by Northern Exile
Somewhere you can confidently ask "which is the best chip shop in Keswick?" and expect an intelligent reply.

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OverTheHillToo: 48/214 (2nd)
Northern Exile: 141/214 (3rd)
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