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May 2022
12:59pm, 28 May 2022
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The great dollop
It's up to a fantastic 216 responses now.

My new working title for the analysis report:

"Covid gave us Work from home. Did it give us play from home ? how the race entry world has changed."

Add your world to the survey here:

May 2022
7:56pm, 28 May 2022
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*My current summary is that lockdown - not covid illness has caused about a 33% Meh to running with people - precisely because they have discovered they don't need to during lockdown*

Completely the opposite for me. I hated hated hated having to run on my own. Sometimes it's fine but not for weeks on end. I was so pleased when we could go out with one other person! But I think it has also made me prefer social running to racing. But I agree some of our club members don't come to club (social) nights anymore because they can run on their own in the day (though that seems to be quite unique to our club, we are doing something wrong because other local clubs get a lot of people to their club nights). Our speed session nights are well attended though.

As far as parkrun is concerned, it might have removed 5k race income, although I've done two paid-for 5k races this year, but I don't think it puts people off entering the longer races and in fact acts as a conduit to racing for beginners.
May 2022
10:32am, 30 May 2022
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The great dollop
Thanks for that @Hellywobs , I think that would put you in the 66% that hasn't changed on that one then !

Since 2004 regarding parkrun we saw the gradual decline in short charity runs - until they are almost non existent - along with the rise of CancerResearch events (which are a surprisingly large amount - they employed 50 full time race directors at one point!). Perhaps people are more motivated to get back to running as a shorter run, and motivated by a good cause - as opposed to just turning up to a crowded park and running their parkrun - when they could just meet a friend and run locally. So parkrun are perhaps only getting more local people, rather than their larger catchment areas. Anyway - I think parkrun could probably run their own stats on that geographic analysis...

The work from home ability has definitely had an impact on play from home. So people are more able to run during the day, they don't need to meet up - or their meet up needs are being fulfilled differently rather than through running clubs.
There's so many variables !

I wonder if Fetch has some analysis from the training logs and race logs to see if people are doing shorter training, (not necessarily less sessions) and shorter races...

UP to 225 responses now - keep them coming !! thank you all
May 2022
12:36pm, 31 May 2022
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Filled in the questionnaire last week so won't do it again but I've just discovered a possible further impediment to booking ahead - namely booking fees for online entry

We have a long established series of midweek summer 10k events up here. They are simple affairs - no medals or other mementos to keep the cost down - and I've always entered on the day (as I did again last week). I've just looked at online entry for the next one in a couple of weeks time.

If I enter online, I pay the entry fee plus a booking fee of £1.50 and have to pick up my number on the night
If I enter on the night, I pay the entry fee plus a £2 surcharge and collect my entry there and then

So entry in advance costs me precisely 50p less but saves me no time or hassle prior to the start and carries the risk that I may lose my fee if something happens between entering and the event. Given that these are small events with a culture of on-the-day entry, where's the incentive to book ahead in that? Clearly, I can see the benefit to organisers in having reasonably firm numbers ahead of time but surely there's a need to make it worthwhile from the runners' perspective too?

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Maintained by The great dollop
You do don't you ! - so here's one about entering races and things:

Basically only half of us are turning up to events, and then almost a third of those are trying to just enter on the day.

Races and race directors are going bust because of it, and it's not sustainable. Even the super-massive races are down to 52% of entry no shows (like the recent Cardiff half), or only half as many entries as usual (like Colchester Half).


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