Feb 2016
3:56pm, 10 Feb 2016
21,481 posts
It's only 10 mins at a time though so ... maybe manageable?
Feb 2016
4:01pm, 10 Feb 2016
18,976 posts
Red Squirrel
I posted this morning but my work computer froze.
So anyway:
The BF and I are hosting a big Sunday lunch for his family so I intend to use that for a couple of culinary challenges. Maybe a vege dish while he does the main meat event or a complicated starter and pud/s. These will all be dishes new to me but we’ll discuss them first and I’ll trial them small-scale for us both.
Feb 2016
4:02pm, 10 Feb 2016
4,206 posts
It took me months to get through the first ten sessions. I had to do it first thing in the morning before anyone else was awake and found that impossible to turn into a daily habit.
Feb 2016
4:02pm, 10 Feb 2016
8,670 posts
The ten minute free thingy was pretty good and doable, I thought. I was so convinced afterwards I signed up for a year. I'm not very good at sitting still and just, er, being.
I did find the 'focus' course that was a choice once I'd signed up, useful. It was all in aid of me sprinting because I'm like that.
Feb 2016
4:05pm, 10 Feb 2016
18,977 posts
Red Squirrel
I’ve been using Headspace for a while now. I recommend reading the book before embarking on the sessions.
I did the free stuff then signed up for the foundation and am working my way through the other sections with occasional on-the-go ones used when needed. It’s been life-changing for me.
Feb 2016
4:06pm, 10 Feb 2016
8,671 posts
Red Squirrel - new culinary stuff is always cool!
Feb 2016
4:13pm, 10 Feb 2016
6,593 posts
The ones that I have in mind are also culinary (a new recipe or ingredient), exercises (if I've not already done every sort of plank, crunch, press up and lunge during the months when I couldn't run), puzzles (all the ones that I don't do in the paper that I buy every day) and routes. Thursday is my hill run day so I will find a nice one in Nottingham that I haven't run up before.
Feb 2016
4:21pm, 10 Feb 2016
844 posts
Great thread this.
I will be making fish cakes this evening. Not completely new but I've not made them in a long while.
I also plan to do more mindfullness practice.
Stretching properly is another thing I will be doing.
Feb 2016
4:50pm, 10 Feb 2016
21,484 posts
I have had a language idea
Feb 2016
4:54pm, 10 Feb 2016
21,485 posts
My youngest (aged 7) has been learning Danish as we have done/are doing cycle expeditions to Denmark and had a family hol there as well. He's done the Duolingo course. Maybe... I'll do the same.