Feb 2016
3:13pm, 10 Feb 2016
26,414 posts
I love this Lol at attempting Headspace on the tube Today's are boring but necessary and have been on my to do list for eons. Today I bought some new house phones. We have a 3 storey house and someone lost the second phone to the old set as soon as we got the last phone, which was years ago. As a result you can't hear the phone ring unless you're in the loft. So I bought a triple set. Hopefully I can now actually talk to the kids when I'm out late and they're home from school instead of leaving increasingly shouty messages via the answering machine.
I also bought a new carbon monoxide detector for ds2's bedroom, apparently they have to be changed every so often and the last one was ancient.
Feb 2016
3:22pm, 10 Feb 2016
458 posts
I'm liking this thread. As I stopped alcohol Jan 1st and don't do chocolate anyway, I sort of needed a kick to be a bit more proactive. Today I have phoned HMRC and got the marriage allowance sorted. It was dead easy and I have a shiny tick for today I also have my Grandad's diary from when he was in WW2 that my Mum was always going to type up but never did. Hopefully by the end of the 40 days I will have that done.
Feb 2016
3:24pm, 10 Feb 2016
21,478 posts
I tried the Headspace thing on the bus. Limited success, I'd say. Limited.
Feb 2016
3:27pm, 10 Feb 2016
8,666 posts
Watcher Fleecio - right into the swing of things. New doesn't have to be interesting or particularly enjoyable ... but hair shirts are RIGHT OUT.
My best (or worst) Headspace experience was when my bloody Mac froze in the middle of a long 'contemplative' sequence. I was getting WELL pissed off sitting there doing nothing. HOW MUCH FUCKING LONGER I asked myself with my eyes still closed. The penny dropped after what seemed like three centuries.
Feb 2016
3:28pm, 10 Feb 2016
8,667 posts
I did learn some useful stuff from it though.
Feb 2016
3:29pm, 10 Feb 2016
8,668 posts
This is the ANTI LENT thread may I remind you all.
It's pro Spring. Which is different.
Feb 2016
3:30pm, 10 Feb 2016
21,479 posts
I liked Binks's joke on the joke thread: I'm giving up the past tense for Lend
Feb 2016
3:41pm, 10 Feb 2016
33,420 posts
Some brilliant ideas here
This morning I cycled up and down a hill I haven't cycled up and down before, on an impulse. It was eL Bee!'s impulse, but what's his is mine and all that.
I'm about to go out to the local bike shop here for the first time (having located it in real space rather than just on a map yesterday), and when I swim afterwards I'll at least have a go at a stroke that I don't normally attempt.
Feb 2016
3:46pm, 10 Feb 2016
4,205 posts
I was thinking that a new running route would be a good one; I get into a routine of the same old 3, 4, 5 milers etc. Partly because I like them but I might like others just as much.
Feb 2016
3:51pm, 10 Feb 2016
5,637 posts
I've always been a bit intrigued by head space but I think I'd find it tough - sitting still and sitting quietly are not things I find very easy.