Disgusting people at the gym

130 watchers
Oct 2012
4:25pm, 18 Oct 2012
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plodding hippo
im sorry to say Lemon that poo in the shower is something I have come across in my hospital accommodation more than once
Its related to a "cultural thing" of needing to poo where there is free running water
the same people will not flush toilet paper down the loo either-it is left on the floor

Oct 2012
4:33pm, 18 Oct 2012
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Son of a Pronator Man
In Greece, it's customary to leave the used toilet paper in a bin for that purpose, beside the loo
Oct 2012
4:35pm, 18 Oct 2012
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plodding hippo
Ther is a good reason for that though soapy, and at least it is in a bin and not on the floor or stuck to the walls *shudder*
Oct 2012
4:37pm, 18 Oct 2012
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when I was in st Petersburg I had to hold my breath as used toilet roll was put in bin beside toilet, apparently pipes were too narrow to take too much paper.
Oct 2012
4:38pm, 18 Oct 2012
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Foreigners are frankly disgusting.
Oct 2012
4:42pm, 18 Oct 2012
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TRO Saracen
I heard a bloke once, having a dump while on a conference call. Open line, he did contribute so not one of those listen only ones.

On the gym front, at mine there's always a guy who wears a rank yellow sweat stained T shirt. It stinks, I think he just leaves it in the locker between sessions. Have moved weights routines to avoid being near him at times. Signs have gone up round the gym on personal hygiene and 'clean gym wear' but he obviosuly thinks it's aimed at others.
Oct 2012
4:49pm, 18 Oct 2012
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In my gym I have seen tampon and associated blood up the wall. The kids quite like spraying soft drinks around but the worst was spunk in one cubicle. I piss in the shower but everyone does that don't they?
Oct 2012
4:51pm, 18 Oct 2012
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plodding hippo
pee is sterile(usually)
Poo isnt
Oct 2012
4:53pm, 18 Oct 2012
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:-0 Another good reason not to join a gym. I have relatives (not on MY side of the family, I hasten to add) I have to psych myself up to allow in the house as they seem to think daily showering and changing their cloithes is an optional extra and that expecting them to do it if they stay (which of course they are almost never invited to do these days) is some kind of irrational idiosyncracy of mine that I inflict on my family but they don't have to conform to even in our house. These are not teenagers but adults of mature years with teenage children. The children, being that age, do at least spray themselves with stuff from time to time but of course the effect isn't all it ought to be. The Italians have a saying: fish and houseguests have a lot in common; both stink after 3 days. In the case of my relatives, it really doesn't take that long. Several Christmases ago, the adults distinguished themselves by also leaving used tissues all over the room, something i find particularly disgusting and bloody disrespectful when you think of it. I'm not aware I have a "Domestic Staff" notice round my neck or on a badge anywhere. They are the cause of much disharmony in our house as I'd really rather not bother with them and "But he's my brother", no matter how true or heartfelt doesn't change that view in the slightest. I wish he were MY brother then I'd tell him to have a damn good wash instead of subtly and ineffectively leaving towels and toiletries in their room in abundance and making "There's lots of hot water" comments as often as possible :-)
Oct 2012
4:54pm, 18 Oct 2012
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Son of a Pronator Man
I've never worn flip flops into the shower. On the basis of the contents of this thread, I'm getting a pair.

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Maintained by McGoohan
This seems plain wrong:

Just back from the gym where one guy was extending the definition of 'ha...

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