Dec 2019
10:13pm, 3 Dec 2019
37,473 posts
40 magazines and colouring books were decluttered today, along with some games, an abacus, a huge pile of paper that had been living in a crate, half drawn on, 5 pairs of shoes/wellies, and a bin bag with ruined toys, I'm calling that 30 and 29 and 28, so much stuff went.
Dec 2019
8:33am, 4 Dec 2019
4,065 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Nice one purps!!!!
Dec 2019
9:58am, 4 Dec 2019
4,067 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Day 4 - 4 more left foot socks (but I did also find a right foot, I'd best hang on to that one )
Dec 2019
6:50pm, 4 Dec 2019
7,911 posts
I'm not doing the right number for each day but I will get to the correct total I hope over the course of the month. Six pairs of shoes/trainers taken to the shoe recycling bin today.
Dec 2019
8:35pm, 4 Dec 2019
6,367 posts
2 items posted 4 school shirts donated back to school.
Dec 2019
7:17pm, 5 Dec 2019
4,068 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Day 5 - 4 more left foot socks binned (that is the last of them now, until I put my toe through another right foot one anyway) and yesterday, after I'd already done my 4 items, I donated my old cat carrier to Cats Protection. I was collecting my new cat and about 15 mins before I needed to leave the house I went to fetch Eloise's old carrier from the shed. It had been there 18 months and boy could you tell! I didn't have time to clean it properly so I wiped it down and shoved it in the boot just in case I couldn't get a new one (it was at least 16 years old anyway so due replacing). I got a new one at Pets at Home en route. Suzi's carrier is still at the PDSA hospital where she died, but actually that was in worse shape. So Mavis gets a brand new one that will hopefully still be going in 16 years time too, and Cats Protection gratefully took the grubby old one. Wins all round:)
Tomorrow will be easy too. There was an email at work today asking for shoe boxes. One of the designers has made her own crackers and needs boxes to post them out in. Well, I have five of those kicking around. Why oh why am I such a hoarder! Mind you, I knew they'd come in useful eventually! So just one more item to find tomorrow
Dec 2019
7:31pm, 5 Dec 2019
37,483 posts
Winter purpleland
21 items from a box in the airing cupboard done today.
Dec 2019
9:58pm, 6 Dec 2019
4,069 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Day 6 - the five empty shoe boxes were given to the girl at work, and I donated a ball I bought for Mavis to the animal shelter collection. She couldn't have been less interested in it!
Dec 2019
7:58pm, 7 Dec 2019
4,070 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Day 7 - 6 leaflets for the race I ran in Germany in October, and one out of date Primal Pantry bar that I must have had in an Approved Food vegan box and just shoved in the tin without checking what it was - coconut, bleurgh. I don't mind it being out of date, but I detest coconut!
Dec 2019
11:20pm, 7 Dec 2019
37,492 posts
Winter purpleland
I added it in the wrong thread, 12 things from the spices collection