Cats in Boxes

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Feb 2022
8:23am, 9 Feb 2022
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so my mum just happened to speak to the breeder of Dio and Ozzy and her Teddy yesterday and she just happens to have a kitten.

SO there is mum whose own health is awful and Teddy (2) will probably out live thinking of getting a new kitten

the fact she told me means it will probably happen (shakes head)
Feb 2022
10:51am, 9 Feb 2022
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We started the dog introduction programme last night, by bringing Laika the lump up to the craftorium. She sat in the comfy chair and didn't move or react at all, so they could sniff her in their own time and eventually decide that she's not very interesting or a threat.

Today I've got Shadow up here with me while I'm working, and he's a bit more interested in them, and occasionally gets up and stretches or comes to me for fuss, so they've had a bit more like interaction - still mostly sniffing from a respectful distance, but after the initial shock both cats are now pretty much just getting on with their usual playing and eating type activities and shadow is curled up on the sofa.

Amazing success, really.
Bel will be the next stage, and I might wait a little while before getting her in.
Feb 2022
10:54am, 9 Feb 2022
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such good news
Feb 2022
11:05am, 9 Feb 2022
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Oh wow Rae! Brilliant!

Pix, you will end up with 4 floofs 😱😱😱
Feb 2022
11:12am, 9 Feb 2022
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this is my worry Hann
Feb 2022
11:17am, 9 Feb 2022
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Yeah, I can see that!

Lasya is a long lived breed, 20-25 is normal. The breeder warned me of this and I have discussed with a good friend that, if I were to die prematurely, she takes on Lasya. What she doesn't know is that Lasya comes with her own trust fund as cats often get expensive late in life...
She is 9 now, I am 57... I will be in my early 70s by the time she is at end of life stage!
Feb 2022
11:22am, 9 Feb 2022
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Teddy is 2 so probably has 12+ years left in him
(exotic short hair) and the potential new kitten will be the same breed

Mum had open heart surgery in 2009 and was told the valve they fitted had a shelf life of about 15yrs - then a couple of years ago they said the valve was too small and not working properly. She won't have more surgery now she is alone.

So yep the cat(s) will probably out live her
Feb 2022
2:26pm, 9 Feb 2022
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excellent news
Animal charity the RSPCA has taken West Ham defender Kurt Zouma's two pet cats away after videos emerged on social media of him kicking and slapping one of them.
Feb 2022
3:28pm, 9 Feb 2022
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excellent news Animal charity the RSPCA has taken West Ham defender Kurt Zouma's two pet cats away after videos emerged on social media of him kicking and slapping one of them.

I read earlier that in England & Wales they’ve no power to seize animals & he must’ve handed them over, not sure if that is correct.
Feb 2022
4:18pm, 9 Feb 2022
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As a charity, we don't have the right to remove an animal. We need the police and a vet present to assess whether the Animal Welfare Act has been broken. Of course, we always do what we can, but our power is limited.

About This Thread

Maintained by Corrah
All the cat people out there know that cats love boxes, so go on then and lets see you feline friend. Boxes optional :) This is the cat appreciation thread along with Miaow, Purr, Yawn!

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