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Cardiovascular drift?

1 watcher
May 2020
6:43pm, 14 May 2020
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Thanks all, no F5 doesn`t have body battery unfortunately.
Oumaumau,I thin you might be right.

Here is the pace

Here is the heart rate


And here is both


Here is a track of my progress


Yes, I tried the maximal effort to get better at each run. I gained in time, but when I look at my heart rate, I keep spending more and more minute in the zone 5 of maximal bpm. And my watch told me the other day that even though I spend enough active minute, that I am detraining and that I should pay more attention to resting/sleeping and eating.
I haven`t paid attention to my breathing during the maximum effort runs.

I am also frustrated because my VO2 max is stuck at 51 since I strated running a month and a half ago. Last year with much less running I got to 52. Now I can`t seem to. With much more effort.

Yes, I have tried to limit my pace to around 5 the other day and the heart rate graph looks normal then, without any jumps.


So, what do you suggest? How should I run to optimize my fitness? At what heart rate and pace?

I will try to measure my lactate treshold in the meantime. Garmin F5 has the option. I have never tried it.
May 2020
7:01pm, 14 May 2020
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Sam Jelfs
Can't really advise on your training, but I would say that an estimated vo2max of 51 already puts you into the "excellent" category, and +- 1 or 2 points is well within measurement error. Do you also keep your weight up-to-date on your Garmin? Any change in weight will have an effect on your estimated vo2.
May 2020
7:17pm, 14 May 2020
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How od (the heart rate jump) - perhaps you might try changing the sample rate to every second (in the settings somewhere). The default on the garmin uses a variable sample rate to save battery and maybe that is averaging, then changes once in to a pace.

It's also worth plugging the fenix into the computer and downloading the garmin app to see if any updates need to be applied.


As for vo2max i _ wouldn't worry about it. I'm returning to running after cycle commuting about 110 miles a week. I started back running in March and my vo2max was 51 according the the garmin. It didn't move much at all until the last 3 weeks where it has jumped up to 52, 54, 55, 56. These have come in response to speed work - specifically threshold intervals between 1KM and 2 miles (3.2KM). I am not significantly fitter than I was before but I think running at effort for at least 5 - 10 minutes gives the garmin better data to set a figure on their vo2max score.

I better measure in my opinion is perhaps a monthly 5KM time trial and keep a record or do something like a "Coopers Run" where you run as far as you can for 12 minutes and can get a rough idea of vo2max from there. I have done Coopers run in my younger days and found the results to be broadly the same with a lab test for vo2max.
May 2020
8:39pm, 14 May 2020
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I wouldn't worry too much about the VO2 Max - I'm assuming it's from the watch, rather than a test? It's finger in the air at best imo (OK so slightly better than that, but not very precise).

As for optimising your fitness, depends what you want out of your running really, and what you're prepared to put up with training-wise. 2 sessions in zone 2, increasing distance of one of them each week, and one thrash session should see some gains, without burn-out. But it's horses for courses really
May 2020
4:37am, 25 May 2020
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Hi and thanks all. Yes, I do update my weight on the watch and

in the meantime I managed to jump in Vo2max from 51 to 52. Finally, LOL
I also have bought chest strap and I used it to measure lactate threshold which has been suggested here. My results are: 172 BMP and pace of 4:37. What does that say about the level of my fitness' What numbers should I aim at?

Here is how the test looked like
May 2020
8:52am, 25 May 2020
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I'm not sure it works that way Rosohatica - i.e. it's not possible to aim for numbers, you get what you get.

LT is a measure of the point at which you can no longer buffer the lactate build up in your blood. You can train it using (if I remember rightly) tempo training. But, as your training is all effectively tempo (or above) you are already doing this.

A quick google suggests tempo should be no more than 10% of total weekly volume (assuming a balanced program, designed to avoid platueax or burnout).

There are hundreds (probably more) of training regimens you could choose to follow, if you want to improve your running. You'll have a well developed base fitness from the cycling and hillwalking, so maybe some more maximal running will keep giving you gains at least in the short term, but it is likely you'll need different stimulus to reach your theoretical 'peak'.
May 2020
8:53am, 25 May 2020
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You might get some more specific advice on the Heart rate thread - there's some smarter folks than me on there ;)
May 2020
9:28am, 25 May 2020
676 posts
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Sam Jelfs
don't forget that your garmin is rounding the vo2max values to the nearest whole number, you could have gone from 50.50 to 52.49, or from 51.49 to 51.50 but what you see is the same in both cases, it really is best not focus on it too much, good for longer term trends really.

If you really want to focus only on vo2 then HIIT training is the best way.

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Hello all. I am new to running and this forum. I am 39 years old guy who for over a decade did his ...
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