Lack of Energy

1 watcher
Aug 2013
10:35am, 9 Aug 2013
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Just fishing for idea's on this one folks as I'm stumped!

Before I start, I'm a type 2 diabetic (oral meds) and I have heart failure (heart muscle damaged by a heart attack). I run a half marathon in an average time of 2hrs 10mins, 5k in 27 mins.

I do most of my running the mornings. I run on empty (before eating) and I can complete the distances I set out to do with no problems (8k tue/fri & long run on a sunday 12 - 19k). If my mojo's bogged off when I wake up then I sometimes run at nights around 8.30pm but again have no real problems completing the distances I set out to do.

If I run in the afternoon, around 3pm say, regardless of wether (hot, cold or just right) then I really struggle to do my goal distance, in fact yesterday I only just managed 4k before feeling completly jelly like.

Anyone else have similar problems or overcome similar issues?

Thanks folks
Aug 2013
10:44am, 9 Aug 2013
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Sounds like you're maybe just not an afternoon person ;)

Kudos to you for giving your medical problems a stern glare and getting out and doing running and racing. Far too many people don't bother, and it's a bit heartbreaking for those of us whose job is to try to make poorly people better.

Seriously. What medications are you on and what time of day do you take them? THAT could make a difference to the amount of energy you have at various times of the day.
Aug 2013
11:03am, 9 Aug 2013
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Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated. I have to admit that it took the kick up the arse of having the heart attacks to get my jelly butt out and start running again after a break of some 20 years! Still, 2 stone and 2" off the waist later I'm kind of glad it happened if you know what I mean!

Funny enough though the diabetes didn't kick in until after i'd been running for a year an a half!

Not wanting to sound like a chemists inventory I take the diabetes meds in the morning with breakfast and at tea time(metformin 1000mg morn, 1000mg tea time). The heart ones which consits of a beta blocker, one called ramipril which helps with the blood pressure, aspirin which I take with breakfast and statins for my bed time treat!

Apparently I don't snore anymore but I do rattle rather well :O)
Aug 2013
11:18am, 9 Aug 2013
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Blimey, you ARE doing well!

It's possible (I'm a GP and am hazy about pharmacokinetics and the like) that the beta blocker is reaching a peak level in your body in the afternoon. Beta blockers can affect your exercise tolerance because they reduce your heart rate increase in response to exercise and some people get breathing problems on them too. Anecdotally, ramipril can reduce exercise tolerance.

So that's maybe an explanation.

On the other hand, I'm of a similar age to you, not on any medication, and am as weak as a newborn kitten if I try to run in the morning but can fairly bounce along in the afternoon and early evening, so it could just be co-incidence and morning and evening really are your best running times. Since most races start in the morning, take that as a blessing :)
Aug 2013
11:44am, 9 Aug 2013
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I can't help at all but hats off to you for getting out there :-)
Aug 2013
11:50am, 9 Aug 2013
705 posts
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I agree with the 'hats off'.
I am not either a GP or a cardiologist so my thoughts are not those of an expert. As Vrap implies it could be a pharmacokinetic issue (ie the rate at which you body handles medicines). Ramipril is not actually a beta blocker, it is an ACE inhibitor – but like beta blockers, it reduces blood pressure and it can cause fatigue and related symptoms. The rate at which the body removes it from the blood stream varies a lot between individuals. For many people it takes more than 12 hours to remove half of the dose from the blood stream. If so, after you have been stabilized on it, the level will be reasonably steady throughout the day with once-daily dosing and should not result in variation in side effects thought the day. However in some people the half life is much shorter. If so, you could get a peak in concentration a few hours after you take it. If you take it in the morning, this might cause fatigue etc in the early afternoon. If that were the case, I would suspect that your blood pressure would be lowest in the early afternoon. Do you get dizzy on standing in the early afternoon? If so it might be worth getting your blood pressure checked in the early afternoon – however be aware these are non-expert thoughts.
Aug 2013
1:42pm, 9 Aug 2013
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Thanks again for your kind comments folks.

I would say I get dizzy standing but come this time of day I could certainly hit the sack and I have every now and then, gone out to the car for a 10 min doze.

Other than the diabetes dose which was put up in January, my heart meds have not changed since about September 2010. I have a blood pressre monitor at home, best dust it off and do some checking.

I love FETCH :)
Aug 2013
6:37pm, 9 Aug 2013
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Canute, I think wigglyamp is on a beta blocker AND ramipril. That would be normal for someone with heart failure.
Aug 2013
6:48pm, 9 Aug 2013
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Yes hats off indeed :-) I am not an afternoon person at all! I have tried to run after 11am and my body feels like it is an extension led :-0 so I went back to early runs which is way better for me, I love running when the world is asleep :-) I really enjoy it @ silly 'o clock which most fetchies are aware that I run @ 4.45am :-)
Aug 2013
8:13pm, 10 Aug 2013
21 posts
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Ur bang on of course raptor :)

I'm happy enough in the mornings and jst like you Toks, I'm out at 4.30 om a weekday morning. I get to run alongside Monkjack deer and foxes, its brilliant :)

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Just fishing for idea's on this one folks as I'm stumped!

Before I start, I'm a type 2 diabeti...

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