Mar 2017
12:03pm, 27 Mar 2017
3 posts
A teenage relative of mine has been put on propanolol as part of their anxiety treatment, presumably to address racing heart-rate during anxiety episodes.
The thing is, they are also a decent runner, and I'm not sure the GP addressed this with them when they were put on it.
As far as I can tell this is a beta blocker. Are there any consequences in terms of absolute performance / training ability etc to being on propanolol. So for example if you were to try to raise your heart rate to 5k race pace would the propanolol limit how hard you could push?
Being "good" at running is one of their areas for either feeling good about themselves, or sometimes feeling less good about themselves, so knowing whether there is an impact is probably quite import.
I will make sure they ask their GP, but in the meanwhile I know there are plenty here who have good medical or other experience who might be able to shed some light on this. TIA!
Mar 2017
12:18pm, 27 Mar 2017
35,930 posts
Your young relative should certainly discuss their running with their GP. I would normally ask about sport before prescribing a beta blocker for any indication, as they can compromise exercise tolerance quite noticeably.
Mar 2017
12:34pm, 27 Mar 2017
4 posts
Thanks, velo - will do. Relative went out for a run on Saturday and reported back feeling light headed and lacking energy, so we put two and two together.
On a balance of mental health vs being able to run, clearly the mental health comes first so if running needs to be sacrificed then so-be-it.
Mar 2017
12:55pm, 27 Mar 2017
5 posts
Amusingly I've just googled the subject more and you seem to be an authority on this on other message boards too!! Clearly an expert source!