Sep 2019
1:53pm, 6 Sep 2019
114,545 posts
Are you interested in finding out about the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)?
We are holding drop in sessions in September about what we do and how we can help you.
Sep 2019
2:15pm, 11 Sep 2019
10,243 posts
Dear Parents
It has come to our attention that a number of uniform items have already been lost by some pupils in various classes. This is due to the items not being clearly labelled/named. Please ensure that ALL ITEMS of your child's uniform is clearly labelled preferably with a permanent marker or sewn/iron in labels. So much time is wasted by staff looking for lost items of uniform. The school cannot be held responsible for items that go missing that cannot be traced back to its original owner. Some items do make it lost property and we do our best to ensure these are returned to their original owner.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Kind regards
Sep 2019
2:17pm, 11 Sep 2019
10,244 posts
Weekly Workplace Reminder: Clear Desk Policy
[the company] operates a clear desk policy. Please avoid storing paperwork (especially that of a confidential nature), boxes, shoes, food waste, crockery and general rubbish on your desk. As well as the obvious health and safety and information security issues around storing abundant items on your desk, it also does not give visitors to the office a positive image of the company.
Attached is an example of a clear desk and an unclear desk.
Sep 2019
2:28pm, 11 Sep 2019
1,226 posts
[NDW ... reminds me of the phrase ..."if a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind, what does an empty desk mean?" ]
[but also, who stores shoes, food waste or rubbish ON their desk?]
Sep 2019
2:34pm, 11 Sep 2019
44,845 posts
[Yes, that's ridiculous. There is no food waste on my desk.]
Sep 2019
1:51pm, 12 Sep 2019
18,564 posts
What's food waste?
Sep 2019
1:58pm, 12 Sep 2019
44,888 posts
[I was shamed into action by the exchange yesterday. Tidied my desk, and as if by magic someone has cleaned it overnight.]
Sep 2019
8:26am, 13 Sep 2019
114,774 posts
Are you interested in finding out about the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)?
[got to give them marks for persistence]
Sep 2019
12:32pm, 17 Sep 2019
10,292 posts
Dear All,
There will be strictly no access to the HR department on the 6th floor today after 6pm due to pest control spraying.
Thank you for your understanding and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you, The London Workplace Team.
Sep 2019
12:37pm, 17 Sep 2019
21,411 posts
The jokes write themselves