Bob Graham Round

128 watchers
Jun 2020
7:21pm, 11 Jun 2020
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First trip up Gable and yet ready to give them all a go? Seems a strange combination, especially as local of Ambleside (assuming it's who I think it is), who you'd like to think would have got to know his local round rather well as part of his preparation.
Jun 2020
7:27pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Yes he's going for the 3, starting with the Ramsay on 28th August and then there is a guy from the Howgills going for the 4 "at the end of August" starting with the Paddy, then the Rankin, Ramsay and finishing with BG.
Jun 2020
7:30pm, 11 Jun 2020
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My thoughts too Flanker. He's clearly a capable runner but at the very least I thought someone based where he is and planning a feat like that would know the bigger and rockier peaks of the Lakes like the back of his hand.
Jun 2020
8:40pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Northern Exile
I spoke to Paul just now. It's as-you-were for right now due to the overnight ban, although they are getting a lot of pressured inquiries as to when things will change - a lot of people turning to the BGR because there are no races on at the moment, not just fell runners either.
Jun 2020
8:49pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Derby Tup
Even if you live in Ambleside and fancy one of the novelty multi-round outings then where have you been training recently? If you’ve been following the guidance then recceing in a conventional sense wouldn’t have been easy (and that’s just the BG I’m thinking of)
Jun 2020
11:06pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Given the two proposed multi-rounds were both originally scheduled to take place in May/June I would have assumed that by late March you would have done the bulk of your route recceing and would just be missing the final bits and pieces. In terms of physical training if you live somewhere in or very close to the Lakes then with a bit of imagination and a high threshold for continually running on the same ground/ascents/descents you shouldn't have had too many issues maintaining a good level of fitness throughout (there was never really a limit on exercise time or frequency that was just Boris/Gove hot air) and for the last few weeks it's been possible to get out properly if you don't need to overnight. However, if as in one of those cases you live nowhere near any real hills I don't think you can have realistically trained appropriately and tbh I don't think he has because he hasn't really done so at any point in the last 9 months since he first made his intentions public.
Jun 2020
11:20pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Derby Tup
I would think a double Skiddaw outing becomes a bit dull after ten weekends
Jun 2020
11:32pm, 11 Jun 2020
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Depends how much you want whatever you're training for.
Jun 2020
12:08pm, 13 Jun 2020
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Northern Exile
Jun 2020
2:51pm, 14 Jun 2020
16,595 posts
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I've just discovered The Old Crown round. It so happens that the cottage we have booked is about next door to the Old Crown.

Even if we're allowed to have our holiday, I doubt I'll have the right combination of family with me to get the chance to pop out for the day :( but a girl needs something to think about - so, would I be an idiot to be thinking about it?

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Maintained by Dave A

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