May 2012
11:28am, 31 May 2012
47,517 posts
I fuckin hate it. You'll love it
May 2012
11:29am, 31 May 2012
12,817 posts
Prolly by mahogany laydee tho Johnny. That doesn't count. She's just a muscle.
May 2012
11:29am, 31 May 2012
47,518 posts
May 2012
11:30am, 31 May 2012
13,087 posts
To be honest, she was quite pasty, and, dare i say it, a bit chubby. But then again, so am I.
May 2012
11:31am, 31 May 2012
12,818 posts
I wasn't even running.
May 2012
11:31am, 31 May 2012
1,829 posts
Will the pasty tax affect her performance this year?
May 2012
11:32am, 31 May 2012
47,519 posts
Were you running on Street Lane on Sunday, Johnny? About lunchtime? Not relevant to this race, chubbiness or pastiness...
May 2012
11:35am, 31 May 2012
13,088 posts
Yep, did the blazing sun reflecting off my forehead blind you?
May 2012
11:38am, 31 May 2012
47,521 posts
I was enjoying a full English at that deli on the corner opposite the Deer Park, thinking 'I'm glad I am filling my face with this delicious food, have already run and am smug'. That sort of carry-on.
May 2012
11:39am, 31 May 2012
13,089 posts
Its nice in there. They do good pork pie.