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A Good Cup of Coffee

78 watchers
May 2021
2:26pm, 26 May 2021
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Cheers RHB, yes I I'd read that and am conscious about taking care with the burrs / motor; and well aware of how fine adjustment the MC2 has (and therefore how painful adjustments might be!).

My normal coffee is pretty cheap so I might actually save the HD coffee for drinking rather than the potentially wasteful experience of dialling in the grinder. All good fun to come though, looking forward to it.
May 2021
2:29pm, 26 May 2021
74,157 posts
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Probably why they send the free coffee though :)

Let us know how you get on. I am looking to replace my Bodum grinder, repurpose it for herbs, by a burr grinder.
May 2021
3:10pm, 26 May 2021
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I'd be keen to know how it works for espresso, too. I don't think there is anything cheaper that compares.
May 2021
3:30pm, 26 May 2021
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From what I've read, if *all* you want to use it for is espresso based drinks, then it's hard to beat. But if you wanted to flip between espresso, filters, pour over etc then it's just too hard to keep on top of the "right" settings and something like the Sage Grinder Pro would be a better buy.

I'm the only one in the house that drinks proper coffee, and I'm pretty much espresso / americano only so fingers crossed it'll be good for that. Failing that, the 2nd hand market seems OK so having paid £130 for it new I'd be disappointed to get less than £100 if it went on Ebay (providing I look after it), so it's relatively risk free.
Jun 2021
10:15pm, 2 Jun 2021
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Had a grumpy week at work so rewarded myself with the new grinder ahead of gift schedule.

Really pleased so far. Been using the happy donkey coffee which has been delicious, but moving back onto my normal Costco beans in a few days so will be interesting to see how that compares.

So much neater than the static-infused Gaggia MM that I've now recycled to another coffee fan with suitable health warnings.

The MC2 is a bit noisy but that doesn't bother me.
Jun 2021
1:54pm, 3 Jun 2021
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Red Squirrel
I've been without coffee for 2 weeks ... until this morning.

I really appreciated a nice cuppa joe from Alex Does Coffee airstream van here where I'm living. Lovely liquorice back taste.

I think I'm going to restrict myself to about one a week and really make it count.
Jun 2021
2:07pm, 3 Jun 2021
22,549 posts
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Why don't you just make yourself some, Squirrel?

I'm sitting in a Morrisons car park and I've just had a really nice cup of filter coffee from my travel mug which i brewed up just before leaving home. I was dead sophisticated though and poured into a cardboard cup from a machine which was lying around before drinking.
Jun 2021
3:40pm, 3 Jun 2021
21,912 posts
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Red Squirrel
Because 'rak some baristas do a much better job than me and I like the anticipation and REALLY wanting one; not just first thing habit.
Jun 2021
1:24am, 23 Jun 2021
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larkim, I'd second that about the Sage grinder - I've been really impressed with it, for espresso and otherwise. Even more so now that a pro coffee guru I know (he imports rare beans direct from St Helena and has worked with some of the more famous baristas) has now ordered one too.

Isn't there a problem with dialling in using one bean and then swapping to a different one? I find that there is noticeable variation between beans and they require a different grind/extraction (which is where the programmable Sage really comes into its own).

And I have far from a sensitive, well-trained palate :-)
Jun 2021
6:55am, 23 Jun 2021
14,865 posts
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For the moment I'm just happy with lack of mess and consistency. But I'm going down th scales route shortly so I'll take that consistency to another level and that might throw up issues with slow adjustment on the MC2.

About This Thread

Maintained by Red Squirrel
Non-tea drinker here and nowhere to talk about the caffeine bean, so I thought I'd start a thread. ...
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