700 miles in 2019

3 lurkers | 70 watchers
Mar 2019
9:22am, 20 Mar 2019
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Proper dog's bumhole here today. , I might post a pic later if I have time. :)
Mar 2019
9:28am, 20 Mar 2019
16,777 posts
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Mornage :)

Hugs for those in need and yay for Ride 100 :)
Mar 2019
10:30am, 20 Mar 2019
3,093 posts
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Went out for a walk with dog, knowing full well I could break into a run if I felt like it...tried...lasted about 30 seconds. Walked the rest. Stupid knee. Really, really pissed off. I was being good, following a plan, not doing anything silly. Why does my body fall apart when I try to do anything just a bit more interesting? *collapses in heap of self-pity* *remembers there are considerably worse things happening all the time to millions of people* *gives self a good slap* *considers trying a bike ride instead....*
Mar 2019
11:56am, 20 Mar 2019
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That resonates so much with me Yumee :-( Even down to the bike ride - I'm just back from 11.98 miles on my bike (I put in an extra little loop near home to try and get the round 12 but misjudged it :-( )

I thought it would be sensible to recce the bike route for the tri I'm doing in May. Mostly ok, *except* there is a hill up to the racecourse on the way back into town which I was just too chicken to tackle. It's a very busy road, and I could see some roadworks half way up, so it would have just freaked me out, frankly, to be in my bottomest, granniest gear with a load of cars and lorries nipping at my wheels. I shall do the route again, but perhaps when the evenings get lighter, or on a Sunday morning, when there's less traffic about. The detour I took did add a good mile+ to my ride so all was not lost though!
Mar 2019
12:11pm, 20 Mar 2019
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Busy playing catch-up ..

Quick update on my Mum. I've checked up on her and she's doing fine after her fall (nothing broken - just some cuts and grazes). I'm taking her out for an early Mother's Day meal this Sunday with my Sister and BIL. The recent mention of Premier Inn and their 'good night guarantee' prompted me to blog about my own experiences.

Sigh - I've met Plodding Hippo (but not at parkrun).

Rosehip - last time I stubbed my toe was on a walking holiday .. my toes were already a bit bruised and I was hopping around my room.

Kim - your post (16th) reminded me of 'games' at school in the Winter when I sometimes couldn't do up butons on my shirt as my hands were so cold.

Fleecy - what's that? You have to moon another 700'er to be a proper member? Who wants to volunteer to come along to my nuddy swim in that case? ;) Or someone could join me at the Nudefest 5K in JUly ;) :)

Columba - well done christening your new shoes.

Like Rosehip, I've just re-organised my bedroom and can now fit in a badly-needed second wardrobe (to replace a cupboard being removed - long story). I'm using it as a good time to re-organise (de-clutter) things.

Still not run but hoping/planning to be at tomorrow's club run with LD.
Mar 2019
12:12pm, 20 Mar 2019
17,709 posts
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Sympathetic LOL @ Yumee.

Busy road, uphill and with roadworks Daisy - can't get much worse.

2 mile little fartlekky run done.
Mar 2019
12:20pm, 20 Mar 2019
3,094 posts
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I think that would freak any sensible person out LD!
I biked. It was ok I suppose. Glad your mum's ok Mel.
Mar 2019
12:48pm, 20 Mar 2019
3,467 posts
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I have done intervals for the second successive Wednesday. Still hate them, still glad I made the effort.
Mar 2019
1:03pm, 20 Mar 2019
1,218 posts
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Sigh - well done re the intervals.

Okay, best laid plans and all that. We need to go and look at new bathroom stuff and the only time the company can fit us in is (drum roll..) tomorrow morning. So unfortunately, my return to the Thu club run will have to wait until next week and I'll go for a toddle around Bishops Cleeve instead.
Mar 2019
1:36pm, 20 Mar 2019
3,765 posts
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Hope knee settles Yumee. It’s really not fair sometimes. Been there.

Glad mum ok Mel.

Sounds like you were sensible LD.

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
The 700 miles in 2020 thread is now live and can be found here: fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=61122 Do come join us :-)

The thread motto is:
'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

bunting Hall of Fame bunting

Joyous January
01/01/19 McGiebling Worthing Hangover 5 medal SB
05/01/19 Badger Coldham’s Common pr medal pb
06/01/19 Sigh Centurion 5 mile (race 3) medal pb
12/01/19 FERC parkrun ageingtractor medal pb
20/01/09 Groundhog Winter Tanners 30 medal pb
27/01/19 Doooogs Meltham 10k medal course PB
27/01/19 ageingtractor Farnborough half medal pb

Fabulous February
17/02/19 ageingtractor Bramley 10 medal pb
23/02/19 parkruns LindsD 1st age cat medal; Badger medal pb; Groundhog medal course pb
24/02/19 CStar DD2 Wokingham half medal pb
24/02/19 Carpathius Tarpley 20 medal pb
24/02/19 Ferret Bournemouth 10 medal pb

Marvellous March
03/03/19 KimCanRun Smokies 10 medal pb
10/03/19 Fradley 10k Keegan medal PB, Sigh medal SB
10/03/19 Mrs Jigs The Big Half medal course pb
16/03/19 KimCanRun D33 Ultra medal pb
16/03/19 RedAlex Saturn Doh-Nut 50k medal pb
17/03/19 Sinj999 Reading Half medal pb
17/03/19 ageingtractor Brentwood Half medal pb
23/03/19 parkruns: Sigh Walsall Arboretum medal SB; Columba Builth pr medal 1st age cat SB; Thornton Runner medal post injury

Astounding April
05/04/19 Sweetie 400mswim medal pb
06/04/19 TeeBee Brooklands pr medal 1st age cat
07/04/19 Manchester Marathon Badger medal pb, RRR-Caz medal sub 3.30
07/04/19 Sigh - Centurion 5 mile (race 6) medal pb
07/04/19 Tay Ten Lip Gloss medal SB, Corrah medal SB, KimCanRun medalpb, Maltdrinker medal pb
20/04/19 Hale Village 5 Autumn leaves medal 1st age cat
28/04/19 London Marathon - sinj999 medal pb
28/04/19 Turtlemama Shakespeare Half medal 1st half pb
28/04/19 RRR-Caz Düsseldorf Marathon medal pb

Magnificent May
04/05/19 Mrs Jigs Taman Pula Ula parkrun medal age cat record
05/05/19 Three Forts Challenge (Ultra)marathon - 12barDavid medal under 5 hrs
05/05/19 Baker Hughes 10k KCR medal pb, Maltdrinker medal SB
11/05/19 The Ox - CStar medal 1st ultra pb
11/05/19 Chiltern Ridge 50k - Badger
11/05/19 Parkrun - KCR medal pb, Thornton Runner medal sb, Lip Gloss medal 1st age cat
12/05/19 Lichfield Half Marathon - Keegan medal pb
12/05/19 Bury to Clare 18 - Carp medal pb
12/05/19 Alton 10 - ageingtractor medal pb
12/05/10 Dunecht Dash 5k - Lip Gloss medal SB
19/05/19 Hackney half - Pothunter medal course pb
19/05/19 Clanfield Challenge - Fleecy medal 20k pb
19/05/19 Great Manchester Run - AL and Team Halle medal 1st place
25/05/19 Mývatn marathon - ITG medal comeback
27/05/19 London Vitality 10k -McGoohan medal WAVA pb

Jiving June
08/06/19 Henley 24hr - Linds team medal Silver podium
09/06/19 Two Castles 10k - Turtlemama medal pb
09/06/19 Cotswold 113 Triathlon - Sweetie medal pb
09/06/19 Fraserburgh 10k - Corrah medal SB
16/06/19 Alresford 10k - Ageingtractor medal pb
22/06/19 parkrun - LindsD medal SB medal best WAVA medal 1st age cat
29/06/19 parkrun - Groundhog medal 1st age cat
29/06/19 St Cuthbert's Way Ultra 45m - Yumee medal ultra pb
30/06/19 Round Sheffield Run 15 - Sigh medal pb

Jubilant July
03/07/19 Hard as Nails 15k, McGoohan medal pb
10/07/19 12barDavid Brighton Phoenix 10k medal pb
13/07/19 parkrun LindsD medal SB Wava pb, Badger medal pb
20/07/19 Elmore 7 McGoohan medal pb
27/7/19 Try a Tri - CStar medal 1st place

Astonishing August
04/09/19 MandyMoo Ride100 medal course pb
08/08/19 RRR-Caz Dinton pastures 10K medal 1st age cat over 4 races
10/08/19 ITG Jökulsárhlaup 13k medal 2nd overall

Superb September
01/09/19 Kent Coastal Half - Fragile DNB medal SB
15/09/19 Sigh - St. Thomas' 7 mile medal pb
15/09/19 RRRCaz - Swallowfield 10k medal SB
22/09/19 Turtlemama - Balsall Common 10k medal pb
29/09/19 Carpathius - Ealing Half medal SB
29/09/19 McGoohan - Pontefract half medal SB
29/09/19 Mrs Jigs - Scottish Half medal SB medal 1st age cat

Outstanding October
05/10/19 DrK celebration parkrun - Lip Gloss medal cup winner
06/10/19 Loch Ness marathon - Maltdrinker medal pb
13/10/19 Funkyplates - Melbourne Marathon medal pb
13/10/19 Peregrinator - Guildford 10k medal pb
14/10/19 Sigh - Farndon 10k medal SB
14/10/19 Maltdrinker - Aviemore half medal pb
19/10/19 parkrun - Mrs Jigs medal 1st age cat record, Sigh medal SB
20/10/19 Mrs Jigs - Poznan marathon medal 1st age cat
26/10/19 Fleecy - Beachy Head marathon medal pb
27/10/19 Autumn Leaves - Striders trail 5 medal LV50

Nicely Done November
03/11/19 NYC marathon - ageingtractor medal pb
17/11/19 St Neots half - Badger medal pb
30/11/19 parkrun - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat, Columba medal 1st age cat, TeeBee medal 2nd age cat, Lip Gloss medal 3rd age cat, Molesey medal SB

Delicious December
15/12/19 RRR-Caz - Muddy Welly 10k medal V series winner
29/12/19 Badger - Cambridge City Christmas 10k medal pb

Frequently Found here
bunting = * bunting * without spaces. Knitted furiously and strewn about thread.
appleapple = * apple * * apple * without spaces. Pompoms (Fr)
Morning / Mooring / Mornage etc = estimated 70% thread conversation.
“A dogs bumhole of a day” = a glorious day.
The injury bench *plumps cushions and rattles drugs trolley*. Happens to the best of us at some point :-(
The umbrage. Mostly left ironed and neatly folded.
Sharktopus = Bint’s fierce pet, set loose on anyone foolish enough to be hanging about when they could be out running goo.gl

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