Mar 2018
3:32pm, 22 Mar 2018
22,243 posts
Exactly! But sometimes I feel I just *can't*.
Mar 2018
3:39pm, 22 Mar 2018
40,670 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
That’s when I find it useful to run an errand, if I’m going out anyway then I might as well run there.
Mar 2018
4:24pm, 22 Mar 2018
32,358 posts
Nice van MM and even better rack.
Last day skiing today and we went over to Lech. It was a bumhole of a morning but freezng cold at -13*. It clouded over after lunch but we'd made the most of the morning. My ears keep playing up so I just hope I'm not getting a cold - again.
Mar 2018
5:06pm, 22 Mar 2018
10,294 posts
Dog walk was the highlight of today, why is it that I only see the owl or kestrel when I've not got my phone?
Extra rest day today - There was a bit of sprinting in work clothes/shoes after we had reports of one of our year 8s being hit by a car (one was, not where we were told and ran to and thankfully he's ok) - which made my toes and heels hurt a bit so I binned planned lunchtime escape) .
(Please can stuff stop happening now - there has been too much in the way of "interesting times" recently )
Mar 2018
5:34pm, 22 Mar 2018
2,295 posts
Oh dear RH, but glad he's ok. Totally agree about too much "interesting" stuff. Though the most interesting thing that happened to me today was putting my out of office on off work for a whole two weeks!! Bliss. I intend to run tomorrow.
I like the VW MM SW - you never regret going for a run. But you regret not going.
Mar 2018
5:34pm, 22 Mar 2018
15,156 posts
Oh dear, RH - glad he was ok.
Absolutely what SarahWoo said.
Pot hunter, you might try a blister plaster (Compeed or similar) rather than bandage.
Sunshine didn't get this far. Grey all day with a cold wind.
Mar 2018
5:39pm, 22 Mar 2018
15,157 posts
SarahWoo- you could go along and join them for just one session; most clubs are happy for potential new members to have a trial session. If you feel conspicuous by reason of being slower than the rest, don't go back.
Mar 2018
5:43pm, 22 Mar 2018
6,391 posts
Hugs RH
Woo not being bike as not sure how secure would be on boat.
Nice long weekend started here - banging headache but hopefully now home (and when i habe finished some work I need to do) that will all go.
Mar 2018
6:23pm, 22 Mar 2018
8,273 posts
More hugs from me, RH
Nice long weekend for me too - see you tomorrow, Moo (I love it when I can say that - it doesn't happen often!)
Re running club - I will try to be brave next week.
Mar 2018
6:52pm, 22 Mar 2018
21,897 posts
Oh do try it out Sarah - as club secretary I get several emails a week from people wondering whether they could 'cope' with club running and I always do my best to encourage them to come along to a couple of sessions so they can see that they can. If it's a new club, so small numbers, they should really make sure they 'loop back' regularly to take account of differently paced runners. As the club grows they'll be able to make groups of people with similar pace, but either way your pace, however fast or slow, shouldn't be a problem.