May 2018
8:25am, 28 May 2018
6,577 posts
Morning all and good running over the weekend
We have had a glorious weekend weather wise here and today is looking warm to. Need to re-hydrated and then my go on bike
May 2018
8:49am, 28 May 2018
5,625 posts
Iron Thigh Girl
Morning! Enjoy your days off. I've a masters defence to chair today then I'm off to Greenland for fieldwork. 4 towns in 7 days. Conquersize-a-go-go.
May 2018
8:58am, 28 May 2018
41,354 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
morning gunks Wow, Corrah, that sounds like an ultra rather than a marathon! I must pop out for a few miles before it gets too hot...
May 2018
9:07am, 28 May 2018
2,805 posts
Morning:-) ☀️
Sleep well those on nights & have a looong night-shift Corrah, well done, very sultry yesterday.
May 2018
9:31am, 28 May 2018
14,506 posts
Not asleep. Biked home, let chickens out, had tea, got into pyjamas. T1 has hurt her back at work and was in a lot of pain. She called the GP surgery. Number 1 in the queue, please hold and we will be with you shortly. 45 minutes later, still number 1 in the queue so I got dressed and drove her there.
It's shut.
Went to A&E as last resort because she was in so much pain. Now waiting at the GP referral bit next to A&E (which I didn't even know existed).
May 2018
9:54am, 28 May 2018
2,809 posts
Oh nooo. So sorry 😐 hope she’s been helped, & you’re home again soon. Fetch (())s to you.
May 2018
9:55am, 28 May 2018
40,228 posts
Blimey, Carp Hope all is well x
May 2018
9:56am, 28 May 2018
15,652 posts
Greetings from Copenhagen. Have not read back; hope all are well. The wedding took place yesterday and went off without a hitch; a lovely, informal affair, lots of funny speeches and a few songs (one supposedly written by my little grand-daughters, but with considerable help from their father).
May go for a little run soon, when the rain stops. Younger Daughter and her BF still sleeping. They had more to drink than I did.
May 2018
9:56am, 28 May 2018
12,371 posts
Morning all - *strews belated round thread* - aiming for a walk this afternoon and then we're off to see Solo.
May 2018
10:03am, 28 May 2018
14,508 posts
That sounds absolutely wonderful Columba 
T1 is ok. Regular ibuprofen and paracetamol, signed off work. They were really quick.
Going to bed now!