Sep 2016
12:57pm, 22 Sep 2016
20,737 posts
MM, I found that my break has done me the world of good running-wise, perhaps you'll find that too when you get out there.
Sep 2016
1:09pm, 22 Sep 2016
2,277 posts
Okay, I need to try to remember everything, so here goes: Happy Anniversary to the Caz's Brilliant photo Bint Good luck Alex
I've forgotten everything else!
Sep 2016
1:12pm, 22 Sep 2016
3,605 posts
CStar that was what I was thinking - so will see what happens next week. Main issue could be a nasty tooth removal on Monday.
Happy anniversary to the Caz's
Sep 2016
1:56pm, 22 Sep 2016
10,551 posts
Great pic Bint.
How can you look so fresh after running soooooo far
Good Luck to RA
Sep 2016
2:21pm, 22 Sep 2016
5,136 posts
I did a recovery run/walk 3 miler to the station yesterday morning. During the day I could still feel the cramp in my left instep. It was a bit sore this morning too so I wore different shoes. I'm wondering if it might be a touch of PF, but it doesn't seem to be the right place.
This evening I'm doing a 3-4 mile run/walk with a friend who has asked me to help her get running again. We are finishing at the local Thursday evening sourdough pizza van and taking it back to hers for a chinwag.
Sep 2016
2:31pm, 22 Sep 2016
3,608 posts
I need a sourdough pizza van in my life
Sep 2016
3:49pm, 22 Sep 2016
15,827 posts
This tapering lark is a pain, literally Having strained a hamstring last week (which oddly, is only really in evidence when I'm in bed, now,) I thought I'd do a bit of very light gardening this afternoon. Stepping down into the garden I managed to twist on my ankle and am now on the sofa with my leg up and a bag of ice cubes wrapped round my foot
Sep 2016
4:32pm, 22 Sep 2016
7,709 posts
ouch LD ! gardening is dangerous ,
Very best of RA, enjoy Berlin
MM - depends how much you want to do the half- especially if it's a social event too, whether you care what your time is and how likely you are to injur yourself not building slowly enough etc -
sourdough pizza van sounds intriguing
Sep 2016
5:41pm, 22 Sep 2016
3,609 posts
Ouch LD 😡
RH yep I get that. It would be a pw. Am running on my own so may see if I can defer
Sep 2016
5:51pm, 22 Sep 2016
11,332 posts
Oooh LD!
I prescribe a gardener.