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2017 Trail shoe recommendations 😁

2 watchers
Sep 2017
8:26am, 1 Sep 2017
194 posts
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I'm looking to buy some new Trail shoes, they'll get wet occasionally in streams / rivers so don't won't lead boots and really want any recommendations, wear and tear, what just didn't last. Plan to wear for races from 6 to 14 miles
I wear Asics 2000 for road running ( stabability) and never had a problem.

Ta very muchly

Sep 2017
1:11pm, 1 Sep 2017
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K5 Gus
It can be quite personal as to what make of shoe fits you well.

Personally I get on well with Inov8, and of the current range the Trailtalon is good for hard-packed trail, and Roclite if it's a bit more rough and muddy. Both of these come in 2 versions, an 8mm drop and a 4mm drop, so depends what you like and are used to.
There's also the Parkclaw which is more a road/trail hybrid and Trailroc which sounds quite similar to the Trailtalon, ie good for hardpacked, dry trails ( less cushioning I think than the trailtalon ).

Never use Asics for road or trail, just never got around to trying them, but I think they do a few trail shoes in their range, all the ones with Fuji in the name I think, so if you get on well with your Asics road shoes they may be a good starting point, but no idea as to the differences between the various Fujis.

If you're going to be running through streams then avoid any Gore-tex versions as once water gets in over the top, ie at the ankles, it can't get out again.

Hopefully you've got some running specialist shops near you where you can go and try a few on, it's a bit of a lottery if you buy "blind" over the internet.
Sep 2017
4:22pm, 1 Sep 2017
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I'm Inov-8 same as Gus. X-talons for me. Didn't get on with Roclites, but used to love F-lites (fine for trail and tarmac, but not for mud) and Mudclaws (great for mud, but not for tarmac).

Used to wear Walshes for hill running, but they didn't last terribly well.

When I wore normal cushioned trail shoes, the Saucony Trail hybrid was good. But again, no use on mud or wet rocks, so don't really work for your streams scenario.

Best o luck. :-) G
Sep 2017
4:29pm, 1 Sep 2017
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I have some New Balance hybrid shoes that are brilliant for runs with a mix of road and trail and pretty grippy on grass. They have a little cushioning that I find helpful. For real mud and cross-country I have Mudclaws which are terrific and you can usually pick up last year's colours at a good price.
Sep 2017
6:04pm, 1 Sep 2017
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Another vote for Inov-8. I have used (and liked) many - Asics, Reebok, but got 2 pairs of Inov-8 (when cheap) - Mudclaw 300 and Race Ultra 290 Trail Running Shoes.
I use the Mudclaw when wet & soggy - and amazed how good they are - and use the 290s when ground is dry, or I know there will be reasobale sections of road or gritted track (ie New Forest cycle tracks).
And like AL, I tend to buy last year's models half the price of current year ....
Sep 2017
6:13pm, 1 Sep 2017
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Salomon Cross max4's are ace. If you ask me plenty of grip on grass and trail, some bounce on the tarmac
Sep 2017
7:25pm, 1 Sep 2017
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Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
I have Saucony Peregrines and I love them, good grip but light. Innov-8 Roclites for XC.

I find if you choose shoes in the same brands as your road shoes they are usually a similar fit so they'll be comfy. For me that's Brooks and Saucony (which I find quite similar in fit).
Sep 2017
12:22am, 2 Sep 2017
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Thanks for the posts so far. Many years ago I ran in inov-8's (still have an old pair) and good to know what else is out there.
Sep 2017
11:36am, 4 Sep 2017
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Saucony Peregrines - love them but not suitable for real mud but can handle a few miles of tarmac. Couple of factors - terrain, rocky trails v true off road muddy hills/fields. Watch out for shoes that have no grip on wet rock and wood (bridges like skating rink!). Also a rock plate if any rocky stuff (light and flexible). Lower drop than road shoes, more flexxible and lighter ... feel the trail/ground. Don't be tempted by waterproof (in my view) better to shed water quickly. Not got on with Inov8's (uppers failed, didn't wear well and rock plates bit too stiff in forefoot, flex in wrong place). Also love my Fivefingers for the real muddy and wet stuff (who needs cushioning then!).

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I'm looking to buy some new Trail shoes, they'll get wet occasionally in streams / rivers ...
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