Dec 2013
2:04pm, 26 Dec 2013
2,725 posts
Watford Wobble
Oh well, here goes for the start of 2014 and the 1500 miles group. The group has been established so set your target, join the group and we will see what 2014 brings.
A big thanks must go out to jono for managing the thread during 2013. He has done a great job and I hope he joins again for 2014.
I have a few targets for 2014. One marathon to be run each month, sale of two houses, purchase of one house and try to beat my marathon PB. I also want to encourage you to post a picture of your 1500th mile and for us to have . It will be interesting to look back on this first post and see how well I've done.
What targets for you in 2014?
Right, I'm off to Telford to run a marathon tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of Boxing Day
Dec 2013
2:09pm, 26 Dec 2013
2,726 posts
Watford Wobble
Oh, I forgot to say if anyone would like to be a monthly contributor please drop me an fail and I'll start a list. In true tradition I'll do the January round up. But I'll worry about that at the end of January.
Right, must dash.
Dec 2013
2:09pm, 26 Dec 2013
297 posts
Doc the halls with boughs of holly
Hi WW, I'm sure you'll do a great job on here. I've found the thread whoop whoop. In in for a target mileage of 1500 miles for a second year running and hoping to get a few PB's on the way. would like to run my first ever proper 10k and maybe even try to sneak a time under 45 mins.
Dec 2013
3:40pm, 26 Dec 2013
754 posts
Wow - I've just got in from a run - I went out for a cheeky 5 miler along the canal. It would be the first five outdoor miles in about 5 months - but accidently-on-purpose missed my turning and did 9 very enjoyable miles in the crisp winter sunshine. Everything seems to be working as it should be (although I need to buy a hat & gloves) - but can't wait to get back into my running.
Well done WW on taking the baton - It's a hard act to follow (Sir Alex/David Moyes?) but I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
Dec 2013
5:22pm, 26 Dec 2013
14,202 posts
Joined the group, will set target - honest.
Looking forward to 2014 - my goals are to knock some time of my Marathon and to dip my toe once again into the ultra pool.
Dec 2013
5:43pm, 26 Dec 2013
First-time poster!!
wannabe runner
OK - I'm in for 1500 miles in 2014. 2 Half's in 2013 and lots of grandiose running plans from 5k (Parkrun most weeks, 45pa?) to Full x 4
Dec 2013
5:46pm, 26 Dec 2013
14,205 posts
its a great thread WR and has been for a few years now.
Dec 2013
5:52pm, 26 Dec 2013
1,335 posts
Welcome to Fetch wr, you've picked a great thread for your first post (presuming it follows on in the same barmy manner as the 2013 thread)
I'm in again for 2014. My 2014 plans centre around a marathon PB attempt in April which will hopefully see me almost halfway to target. But first I've got to do about 30ish miles between now and the 31st to get to 2013 target.
Dec 2013
6:08pm, 26 Dec 2013
167 posts
Dave D
I'll join thanks, Targetting the London Marathon for 2014 so looking for good mileage in the the first few months of the year - preferably injury free
Dec 2013
6:38pm, 26 Dec 2013
2,728 posts
Watford Wobble
Welcome DD and WR to the thread.
And certainly Nelly the theme is still the same. Barmy, silly posts are compulsory. Hoping Shadow soon comes along to keep some sort of order and semblance.