Explain your Fetch nickname! :-)


From thread of the same name in Forums fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=60802Come here and tell me about your Fetchname:

- how did you come up with it?

- how do you pronounce it? (prompted by pedroscalls - is it Pedro-Scalls or Pedros-Calls?

This article is owned by HappyG(rrr)

From thread of the same name in Forums Link (roll over me to see where I go)
Come here and tell me about your Fetchname:
- how did you come up with it?
- how do you pronounce it? (prompted by pedroscalls - is it Pedro-Scalls or Pedros-Calls?
Here're are a few that um and I've summarised:

57.5 Degrees of Pain

I joined Fetch in late 2010, a couple of years after moving back to northern Scotland from the US. I hd previously needed a name for a fantasy (american) football league set up among my wife's cousins and their spouses, and Yanks are always surprised how far north the UK is. 57.5 is the latitude of Inverness, the Pain bit was to make the team sound more mean, and because they all know me as a dentist. As I was training hard at the time with all the discomfort that entails post age 40, the name seemed to fit for Fetch.


Reading all this sort of makes me wish that I'd chosen something a lot cleverer than the village I live in.


Mine is a combination of where I am on the age scale (have recently reached what used to be the retirement age for men!!) and a nod to the football team I support. Some amongst you will work it out. The avatar depicts the state of my body after some of

Alice the Camel

I was living in a sandpit in the Middle East when I joined Fetch, and I have a lumpy body shape...hence Alice the Camel.

Angus Clydesdale

Angus - county in NE Scotland where I live & work, and which I love. Clydesdale - with a lifelong love of heavy working horses I've always loved the aspirational statement of the breed description. This combined with my own stature (front row rugby pl


My username/alias is my firstname and initial of lastname reversed with my birth year. Google lists my accounts on most of the first two pages as its my standard alias.


Historical colour scheme of my hair. Pretty much all grey now.


I once read a book by Wilbur Smith which had a character called Bazo the Axe. My Given name is Barry and so it seemed like a good name and I dropped the 'the', but very few people call me Baz in real life. In fact no one really. Back to Paul


The only social media I'd tried before joining Fetch was dipping a toe in the RW forum (before backing out hastily). They all seemed to use nicknames, so I did too. Some time later I spotted an advert for Fetch in RW the magazine, and joined up for


This explains mine Link (roll over me to see where I go) Well , not exactly. I needed a username for some site I was registering on at the time (long before Fetcheveryone). That song was on the radio and my username was chosen


After Uni, I was heavier than I am now, and the nickname stuck. "Big G", or "G", is what my mates tend to call me.


Mine was a "pet name" given to me by my Ex (and father of Now a Man) It started off with him calling me a "cloth-eared Bint" (Fawlty Towers reference for those of you who don't recognise it) then gradually morphed into "Bintmcskint" as we never ha


I have 20-20 vision and only drink Beer... Seriously I used to play rugby, most frequently as a blindside flanker and I live in Zider country so I smashed the two words together until they squealed and submitted.


Gives a link to my hometown through my football team - still enjoying our League title!

Bosun Tony

My names Tony........I'm a ships Bosun........took me ages to think of a name !!


First name Bruno, at school I had a few name related nicknames - Frank, Bruno Brooks, etc. Then a footy mate in secondary school started calling me Bronski, as in Bronski Beat, which eventually morphed into Brunski. On another forum I have gone for the


I used to play RPGs back in the dawn of dial-up Internet connections and when casting about for a character name


Had to think up a user name on a website about 15-20 years ago and there was a packet of ceratonia siliqua (carob tree) seeds next to the PC. Changed the spelling on here a couple of years back because I wanted to find some things with google.


Mine's my name. Boring but I can never get to grips with technology on any level. Which includes remembering user names, passwords, which email on which site. I can't forget my name.


My Fetchname is simply a running-together (so to speak) of my first name and my surname.


Although she says she can't remember it, mine came from MrsCW around May 2005 who came out with it in a conversation about staffs! I first used it on a site for the Topfield 5800PVR where no-one used their real name and continued on every forum since. I


Last name Cottam and year of birth 67 hence Cotty67


As Meglet has alluded to, mine is simply my initials CStA with the r added to make it make sense. I threw this together when I first started on the dark side with RW during my first marathon training, before I emigrated to the uplit sunlands of Fetch.


Mine's really dull - it came out of a long teleconference between the different locations of my employer at the time. I lost count of the times the two words Cumbria (office location) and Andy (my real


Hiya! My name is a bit obvious. I have one (real) eye (and one plastic one). My sister used to shout Cyclops at me when she wanted my attention and I couldn't see her because she was on my blind side.

Daddy Shark

My wife's extended family have always had acronyms for each little nuclear family. My wife Helen, belongs to HENS since her parents are Elizabeth and Norman and her brother is Simon. Our acronym is SHARK (Steffan, Helen, A***, R*** K***) and I'm the daddy. There is also a nursery rhyme I used to sing a lot with the kids. Google it.


My first and middle initial, spelled phonetically. Because I have no sense of humour.

Derby Tup

Derby Tup is a Derbyshire folk dance but also the name of a very good real ale pub in Chesterfield I was born in Derby and went to the pub a few times in the 90's. I've not seen, never mind actually done the dance


When I first came across some runners who explained what Fetch was, they said it was compulsory to have a silly nickname. So I used the nickname I had at primary school. A group of us were playing at being Top Cat characters and somehow my name stuck.


Diogenes was my name on that other place for a couple of reasons. Firstly it was ironic: Diogenes of Sinope was known for his stoicism, self-denial, and rejection of the finer things in life whereas I am not. Secondly, it was a pun, because when I began running I didn't entirely trust my knees to be up to the job.


At university,I had shoulder-length wavy hair which I inexplicably dyed peroxide blonde - and ended up looking a bit like the cartoon Magic Roundabout dog. I'm Dougal on a couple of long-standing sites (the Guardian, etc) but Dooogs on recent (i.e. l


Doric is the dialect spoken up here in the NE of Scotland and quine (pronounced kwine) is Doric for lass or girl. At my advanced age I'm maybe pushing it being called a quine but I'd rather have that than wifie! :-)


Mine comes from a bit of old family legend about the daughter of a nobleman who ran off with the village carpenter and was promptly disinherited and struck off the family tree. Much good it did them as a few generations later, the family was living in a


One half of an anagram of my name

eL Bee!

I was drowning the pretentiousness of my old User Name which I'd brought over from RW. I then (in an unrelated matter) came across a clipart picture of a Bee wearing a Sombrero (which was my avatar for a while) and so eL Bee! came from that. The

Electric Sheep

Mine is taken from the title of the Philip K. Dick book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", upon which the film "Blade Runner" was based.

Elsie Too

My initials are LC, but so are my husbands and he had them first.


It's my name, innit. Real name Emma-Jane, shortened to Emma, shortened to Em, Ems or Emz. Although this is probably the only forum where I use something like my real name....

Exmoor Runner

Mine is fairly self explanatory I like to run on the hills of Exmoor

Eynsham Red

Originally from Bristol and a Bristol City (who play in Red) supporter, it's a handle I used when on their fans forum and on subs


I'm a Liverpool FC fan, so in other words a faithful red


Falcarius is pronounced 'fal-CARE-ee-us'. It means 'sickle cutter' as it had epic claws even for dinosaur standards. It is pretty much the earliest known dinosaur to convert to vegetarianism. Which is why I chose it as I am vegetarian.

Fenland Flier

Fenland Flier, the 80's CB handle I was given for want of knowing what to choose as a nickname.


My Fetch name is just my standard nickname / abbreviation of my surname. It was already registered when I arrived but was clearly redundant so I was able to take it over, having won my appeal at the Court of Lord Fetch. On most other forums that I&apos


When I joined Fetch, I knew straight away what name I wanted to use but it was already taken, so I had to use a boring name. Fortunately, it was an unused account which became available after a couple of years so I snapped it up straight away. Flatlander was born! The name is self explanatory - I live in the flat lands on the edge of the East Anglian Fens.
As to the avatar, I love yoga (not as much as running though ;-) ) and it is a pose I can just about manage next to a wall. It also looks a bit like me - slim and long hair. Plus, its clarity and colours make it stand out. Like my name, as soon as I saw the photo I knew that was the one I wanted to be "me".


Flying: Because when I run I fly around the track (That and I love planes and jets want to fly jets when I'm older :-) )
Scotsman: I'm SCOTTISH and proud!


I was originally "For My Light" My music taste is still heavily influenced by 80s Goth music, including 'For Her Light' by Fields of the Nephilim and 'Light my way' by NFD So combined the two, to come up with For My Light. Which


Mines from a nickname I had many years ago when I used to play Euchre (a card game ) for a pub team - with red backcombed hair, my teammate thought I looked like a fraggle :-) also known as IronFrags too :-)

Fragile Do Not Bend

When I joined Fetch, I was completely pissed off about not being able to run because I was injured, I think my forum name ended up expressing some of that frustration.


I was originally CrazyLegs when I joined Fetch (the profile still exists). My nickname at school was CrazyLegs, let's just say I have longer than average legs. Midway through 2012, I'd got so fed up with constant injuries, I decided to start

FRU (KeepTheFaith)

Mine changed from my original when I moved south after a break up and the song of the same name by the killers felt appropriate.. for reasons unknown It stuck and FRU was born I adore the killers (Keep the faith) is a run mantra given to me by a


I'm ginger and revolting.


my favourite cartoon cat. It was a nickname in university for a while too!


Absolutely nothing to do with my real name, or running, or sport of any kind. Not a nickname either. When I was studying my family history some years back I had the same user name, (a play on words), borrowed from the lead character in the TV series Life


I tended to be referred to as geordie at work events as there was other Karen's, it stuck. At one such work event I took up the challenge to run again, complete the GNR and was introduced to Fetch, so I needed a name and geordiegirl it was


I've always been attracted to glitzy bling and you can't get much blingier than a running medal. I was over the moon the day Fetch gave us the *medal* icon :-) When I decided my Fetch name should be linked to my love of medals, Muttley popped in


Gobi - pronounced GOBBY Started as a joke as I am a Star Wars fan so I was briefly Gobi_Wan , then Gobi_one pronounced Gobby_One and just became Gobi but the spelling was never corrected. Really I'm t


I had very sticky out teeth as a kid and changed schools quite a lot, default nickname at any new place was always Goofy, which I hated. When I started using online forums I decided to reclaim the language of oppression and became Goofy. It soon became impossible to get 'Goofy' on any site I joined so I went for 'Goufae' as a sort of mock archaic spelling but found that pronunciation varied (unsurprisingly) so on Fetch changed to the more straightforward spelling still in use to this day!


Back when I joined Fetch I was Gooner (the midnight runner) as I used to run to pick the ex up at midnight regularly, after we split up and I stopped running at such crazy times I dropped the brackets. Now I'm just Gooner, as that's what Arsenal fans are called... however I have recently stopped following football and as such am not sure why I'm still called this!


years ago, when emails at work were a new and exciting thing, the place i worked at that time decided that work email addresses would be "first name @ Company Name". As there were two Gordon's, the other one became GordonT and I became GordonG, so


Mine's job related as I work in civil engineering, as a Geotechnical Engineer designing ground investigations, building foundations and anything ground related on projects. I used to run with the Berkshire Hash and I got christened with the name Groundhog, which is far better than the usual cock related innuendo for names that they usually bestow. On on!


First initial, middle initial, surname. I used to use gowen, until that was taken google mail, so I added the w.


I'm 4'10" and have been affectionately called halfpint by a number of people over the years, including my Dad :-) My avatar is just a half decent photo of me taken by a dear friend. I'm mostly known as HP on here and my son became QP (i.e quart


It was Grrr (a name I used back in online gaming days in the 90s when 4 letters was possible because there weren't 1 billion people playing online). My name is Gavin Orr, so G. Orr, GORR, becomes GRRR (and as most of the games were driving, flying, shooting, it was appropriately aggressive!) When I came on Fetch I was Grrr, but in forums, people starting with "Grrr, how are you this evening..." looked like everyone was fighting and angry. So it was suggested I change it. By santababy, no less, who was Queen of Fetch 10 years ago! As I am mostly Happy, and as a deliberate contrast to Grrr, I changed to HappyG (but wanted to keep the "formerly known as Grrr" so parenthesised the (rrr). )


Mine started on another site as Helen Wheels. Changed after I turned up for a lunchtime track run in work clothes and wanted to preserve the compliment from another runner. Gin and Tonic may also have been a factor.


Hells for Helen, Bells because I've been a campanology widow since before we were married 27 years ago. My avatar is the bells at Great St Marys in Cambridge which were replaced a few years ago and hung in a new frame designed by Mr HB. My name is a


Homer is my aspirational body double. On top of that he can achieve anything that he doesn't set his mind to


Mine was an attempt to show off my top IT artwork skills


My forum name comes from when I was a student and was into Ice Climbing. One notable weekend in Scotland I drove the bus there, drank far too much, got up before everyone else, nearly fell off, got lost, then stumbled back into the pub past 10pm. I was 'that icenutter'.


Mine came with me from Ravelry (a fabulous website which is like Fetch-for-knitting) and is a combo of my initials and knitting. Knitting is one of the other things I like to do, though sadly not so much recently due to arthritic thumb joints. Probably ca


Mine is pretty boring. Jambo is the nickname for the football team I support, Heart of Midlothian. The MO bit is my initials. The avatar is a coloured version of the Heart of Midlothian stone which lies in the High St here in Edinburgh.


I acquired the nickname Jangles as a late teen when my cousin's boyfriend started calling me that. I used to think it was because of my jewellery but he told me many years later that it was because of the way my unbra'd boobs moved under my top


They are my initials. Growing up and seeing the construction vehicles with the same initials gave me the fanciful idea that they were mine. (Has my name on it so it must be!) In school having to put my name on each pe


Initials, obviously enough. Not sure why I added the"run", perhaps I just thought it was a bit short. Changed now!


My very dull username is pretty self explanatory - other than the fact it's no longer accurate and I've been Jenny M for over 7 years now. When I joined the site, a long time ago, it was really just for the training logs, and I was too scared


Mine is pretty obvious and most people call me Jenny anyway. I did have a message once off someone asking me what ship I'd served on, thinking I was in the navy. I am of course a bird so had to put him right. There was another jennywren for a while whic

JK *chameleon*

I was originally JamieKai, which is my name Jamie, plus my gamer alter-ego Kai who in turn was named after the lad in the Snow Queen story. My heart, like his, is made of ice.

Jock Itch

I actually wanted to register as Jock Strap but it was taken, the next best thing was Jock Itch :-) Referred too as Itchy, Itch, Itchster, Jock, Jockster over the years. :-) Introduced myself once at a race to a fellow fetchie and they refused to shak

John Bach

Bach in Welsh is small - I'm 5'5"!

K5 Gus

Many years ago, when I thought it was cool to have a personalised numberplate, I got myself K5 GUS - my first name is Angus ( often called Gus by mates ) - my surname is Kay so get my whole surname, phonetically if not actual spelling-wise - 5 was the only number available and has no significance


Mine is too complex to explain.


The first username that was allocated to me at my first job. Dull!


When I joined Fetch in 2010 I was still teaching and didn't want any possibility that my pupils (I'm old-fashioned enough to think students are at university, not sitting in a y7 class) could find me, so anything to do with my real name was out.

Lesley C

I+78:85t is indeed because of my lip gloss. When I first went to parkrun Nwyanda said oh like the way your lipgloss matches your top ( must have been pink) and so when I need a fetch name it was an obvious choice. I can go anywhere without make up b


The origin of my name is from the pet name that my family have for me: Libi (pronounced LeeBee). When McG and I were first together, he didn't want to use the same name that my family did so turned it into Liebling, wh

Lip Gloss

It is indeed because of my lip gloss. When I first went to parkrun Nwyanda said oh like the way your lipgloss matches your top ( must have been pink) and so when I need a fetch name it was an obvious choice. I can go anywhere without make up b

Little Nell

Similar to mushroom - I am also Little Nell on RW forum... Nell is a diminutive of my actual first name and in real-life it's my Dad's nickname for me (no one else calls me that, apart from a couple of runners that I met through RW who only know me as Nell). Plus - I'm vey little.

Lizzie W

My name is Liz. Liz x has always been taken and I didn't want to be too blatantly obvious eg to work, also lacking imagination, so went for Lizzie C, then later married Mr W. My unof

Lizzie W

*mentally renames Dio as Deo not Di-o*

Love Lettuce

Haha, the Lush product was almost certainly named after the Elvis Presley tribute HappyG!

macca 53

I was always called. Macca at school as was my son - I tried using macca'sdad first but Fetch doesn't allow apostrophes, so I'm macca of the 1953 vintage.


MAC-len-ANNE I was looking for a username for yahoo chat back in the year 2000, whilst half cut on Irish whiskey and listening to the pogues' Sally Maclennane


I think my Fetch name and avatar are pretty well self-explanatory ;-) I do enjoy a good malt, as does my other half DoricQuine!


Mine is simple - name is Mandy (not Amanda) and mandymoo has always been a nickname. People seem to enjoy shouting it out when name is on a t shirt in a race too. Quite amusing hearing the "mandymooooooooooooo" shouts


Marchog - It's my surname in Welsh. You'll have to look it up now won't you?!?


My Sunday name is Marion, but almost everyone calls me Maz. Except my immediate family and some colleagues. Even then everyone knows me as same. MazH Just because it's my surname initial. I was using my full name, but it was a bit too googleable


One of those nicknames partially made up from my real name, by uni mates I think.


Don't think my needs explaining! I don't like it that much but I've had it too long to change. A mate of mine, about 12 years ago called me a bloody milemonster and it stuck.


When I joined Fetch, I didn't realise how important a user name would be - doh! I love Formula 1 and at the time, Minardi were the team always at the back of the grid so it seemed appropriate.

Minnie Mad

When I joined Fetch I was a bit obsessed with Disneyland, having just had two great holidays there with the Mini. And run the WDW marathon for my 40th birthday. And I've got my own brand of mad, which I am comfortable with. It might just be weirdness, but that's not alliterative!


Forgot to explain why. It's because when I was emailing my brother at uni in the late 90s, I'd frequently do a shorter version of my name for speed and then he started using it as "msg". It sort of stuck after that, with me calling him mr


I had my name on the old RW forum before migrating to Fetch. IIRC I think it's because I had recently joined a veggie athletic club and I thought I'd use something that resonated with that. Mushrooms are simply one of my favourite vegetables.


Mine is because MsG was taken (which actually it isn't now...) and the avatar is from a tile in my kitchen that ALJB brought back from Italy for me because I like cats.


I'm Dave and I run on the North Downs Way.


When I first joined up (2009) I just used my own name with no space. GregP, who is colloquially known as Greppers in certain parts of the forum, began to call me Nellers (My Real Life first name is Neil) and it kind of stuck. After only a matter of a mont


My Fetch nickname is the name most of my family use for me. It was the abbreviation of my name an uncle used when I was a baby. It's just stuck!

Nick Cook

My name (obvs!). I haven't the imagination to think up something original and clever. Zoot from the Muppets was my inspiration for taking up the the saxophone when i was 50. I use that avatar on other forums too.


Nightjar was a suggestion by my dad as a CB handle. I never got in to CB. Great idea (CB) but it generally seemed to consist of people saying “pick a winda" and then talking codswallop. It was a while before I found out it is a type of bird. My initia


Because I work nights and I am. I'm not a morning person. Used to be Pammie because that's what people called me. I fancied a change


Needed a name for the other site, I'm a Yorkshire lass and I'm not very fast, brought the name over here

oi you

It was my old mum's pet name for me.

Old Croc

It was my hash name (still is I suppose). When I hashed overseas I wore a hat that was like Crocodile Dundee - so when I was given a hash name someone suggested that it should be Crocodile Dundee but some wag shouted out more like an old croc - so that s


In 2006 when I joined Fetch I chose oldbiddy because I was an older runner and it was a joke between me and my sister and her MIL . I added nandi when my Grandkids came along. My avatar is at the Spitfire Scramble in my Combat Stress vest with my late bro

One Pace Carl

No matter if going up hill, down hill or along the flat I always seem to be going at the same pace ! It makes me look good in races when I over take the walkers going up hills but then they catch me going down them !

Oscar the Grouch

Love of Sesame Street as a kid, combined with the fact that I am, ahem, grumpy by demeanour


Panad is 'cuppa' in Welsh. Was originally 'panad o de' which is'cup of tea' as I rarely drank anything else - exceptions being the odd glass of cold water in the summer or some form of alcohol ;-) Got fed up of the faff of writing 'o de'

Paul N

I'm guessing, as "Paul" had been taken!


So it's said all as one, pedroscalls. It comes from way back in the 90's, I think it was '97 to be exact. I was working in a lab where we shared with a team who tested scallops for various poisons.


Sigh - I'm from Handsworth and watch the Sword Dancers every Boxing Day! :-) Pikelet - a northern delicacy also known elsewhere as a crumpet. It was also my family dog's nickname.


Haha, Minardi - loved that :-) PK, well, really, just my initials. Nowt more exciting than that. It was just something to get me started on the site, but then I noticed all the more colourful names, but by that time it seemed to late to change.....


Podkin originally evolved from two things I loved - my iPod, and also Podkayne of Mars, a science fiction book by Robert Heinlein that had a strong female lead character (very unusual in that genre at the time it was written). Podkin also suggests shynes


It's my name innit. And I go via my maiden name on other SoMe, so I can avoid friend requests from pesky patients, or indeed any patients. Pic is I think Bath Half, which was my first and smiliest.


Mine isn't even worth explaining it's so boring and obvious.


My name comes from my rowing days where pot hunting was the term used to describe picking off easier races in order to improve chances of winning. Prizes at regattas tend to be pewter pint glasses known as pots. Nothing to do with the other kind


Before fetch I was on a different forum and couldn't think of a suitable name, I was pretty mad for the colour purple, so started life here as mad4purple. I changed it once to kayanogirl to match the trainers I had bought but swiftly reverted back to


I hardly ever do puzzles whether jigsaw, crossword or any other kind. My first thought was to use my initials, pzl, but then a line from the Grinch that 'he puzzled and puzzled until his puzzler was sore' popped into my head. I definitely overthink things.

Rach E

I'm Rach E as my name is Keith McSpoddan, of course.


It's a sort of reverse nickname from Rae, but feels more like my real name now than the one on my birth certificate and I can be found under it wherever it's not already taken by someone else (I will also settle for Raemondo or The Great Raemondo. Never Raemond The Great, though, that would be weird)


Border reivers were raiders and cattle thieves along the Anglo-Scottish border from the late 13th century to the beginning of the 17th century. A reiver's allegiance was to the family chief rather than the Scottish or English crown.
I was born on the border, it's a fascinating period of history and I like the name!


Mine is my name and my favourite trim level on the Morris Ital.


Mulbs named me as my original choice was not shout out or introduction friendly. All diminutive versions of my name were taken and no one calls me by my full first name. My nickname has always been hippo, but we had a famous plodding one of those-


RRR is my running club Reading roadrunners Caz (Caswell) is my nickname that I have had since being 16 in the army. Really did not want to be called David !?! Only my mum called me David ;-) Avatar I picked as it shows off fetch shirt quite well !


I think mines self explanatory although I think I should change it to “trimumof1adult1teenand1phoneaddict" I haven't posted in a forum in ages Hello all 😊❤️


I'm Ronnie. I run, sometimes.


Bit boring. My name is Stephen and I sail for a living. In our gang there are other Steve's, each known by their trade. Avatar is a yacht in Cascais marina, Portugal.

Sam Jelfs

Hmm... I don't know why mine is what it is ;-) In all honesty, when I was a lot younger I got into an online argument with someone who hid behind a username (though I knew who they were IRL), who decided to sling a lot of criticism at an event I wa


Woo has been my family nickname since I was a baby (I've no idea why!) so when I needed an online name it was an obvious choice. I like the fact that there are now people outside of my immediate family who now call me Woo


I was once told I was like serendipity by someone I cared about and it’s my favourite compliment. It was taken on Fetch so I added some dippiness as for a ferocious administrator I don’t half lose and trip over a lot of stuff

Shortcut Cam

My name's Cameron and I like taking shortcuts


Well, my friends call me "Si" as a standard abbreviation of Simon, but when I joined Fetch I couldn't have that as it was already taken. Plus - "Si" can be misinterpreted as Italian for "Yes" so that doesn't work; I briefly experimented with other odd spellings (Siye, Sy, Sai) but settled on "Sigh" as that's my default expression of exasperation, esp. at work :-)


Silver is similar to my real name and shadow follows it as per the RollsRoyce.


First initial + surname - yea, pretty boring! Avatar is a photo from the RAK half marathon in the Emirates, very close to where I grew up. One of my favourite races.


I started on this site using my name, along time ago. Then I changed it to unassertive dragons in need of a mirror :-) the avatar is a gif his lordship made for me years ago, it's called turtladis


Tend to use Snoot anywhere I can outside of work for a username and sometimes end up adding _66 if someone's already taken it.
I picked it up in Junior School (mid 70's), originally as Snooter but quickly shortened to Snoot. Not sure why as I don't think I've a particularly stand out nose and growing up on a council estate certainly wasn't snooty or posh!
Anyway it stuck, so much so that my wife still uses it rather than my real name as do my in-laws and lots of friends. So much so that I used to be introduced as Snoot and would often get asked sheepishly by people who had become friends - 'Snoot, what's your actual name?'. I ended up adding it as my middle name on Facebook as people from schooldays didn't recognise me by my real name...


I'm Stilldreaming as I often run on my own, often off-road and often in a total daydream! Also, I'm still dreaming of getting a decent wava, a pb, a sub-2 hour half .... you get the idea! I was SD on RW and have been eve


Just came to this thread after listening to an old podcast! My real name is Steve and back in the day my best mate was also called Steve. We were both lead singers in rock bands, we lived in the same house, we frequented the same rock clubs and partie


Well, IRL my name is Hugo St. Urbain... Or maybe I have no imagination/CBA!

Surrey Phil

My name is Phil and I live in Surrey! I was born in Croydon and still live not too far away but as my postal address is Surrey and not a Greater London one, Surrey sounds a bit more classy than Croydon.


I joined as Sioux. A long standing nickname from when I was 12. 4ish yrs ago I changed to Sushi after chatting with some of my American family and friends about appropriation. I just wasn't comfortable staying with a nicknamethat could be seen a


My Fetch name is my 1st initial + a variant on my surname, given me by a rugby club chairperson ages ago.


Sir asked me why my username was 'Just Ted'. I said because I couldn't have just 'Ted' as it was taken. He knew that this was a dormant account so he freed up the username for me. Very impressive considering it was the first

The Mighty Fleecy

People are just confusing us with the name changes now! Mine is dull: I was signing up for an email address and anything like my name was taken. I was wearing a fleece...I like to change my full fetch name with the seasons. Or whenever I fancy. Right now


It's hard to believe these days* but back in the dark ages when I grew up, it was compulsory to be called Richard. And that meant that wherever I went - school, work, football club, whatever - there was always a Richard there before me.
I was never the oldest; the coolest; the smartest; the fastest; or the best**. I was just the other one.
* We Richards are not even in the top 100 boys names these days.
** I can be the most self-deprecating. Or the most unremarkable, perhaps.

The Pin Lady

I used to be an acupuncturist and was always referred to by others as the Pin lady. I haven't updated it since I've gone over to the dark side and gone to work as an accountant. As you can tell, I didn't get very far down the careers list!

The Scribbler

I was originally Spacegal when I joined Fetch as this was an avatar name I used elsewhere at the time and is linked to my love of David Bowie. I love writing and work as a marketing copywriter, so I also had a blog called The Scribbler. When I started b


Not very imaginative - I live in a village called Thornton and I run!


I became Thistle when I joined in 2008. No exciting story behind it! Obvy Scottish but not prickly ;-) Pic of me and Commonwealth Baton when I escorted it around Scotland :-)


Mine is a short version of OLUWATOKUNBO


Trinity is my actual name, but it hasn't always been. Very few people know my original given name because I hated it so much and it didn't suit me. When the Matrix movies came out I was a member of the 'other' running website and I loved the Matrix so my name on there became Trinity. In 2006 I changed my real name to Trinity officially by deed poll. So when I joined Fetcheveryone first time I was Trinity, and it's since been shortened to Trin.


a taste for Turkish delight ...got me a nickname in my late teens.....that sort of stuck.....I added the h in the middle because someone had taken Turkish!


I'm mum to a 4yr old known as the turtle. She has been known as that since the day she was born, when she popped up out of the water (home waterbirth) and looked around. She had a little protruding bit on her upper lip and I thought "aww you look jus


Haha! Well since her arrival I must admit there has been a glut of turtle themed stuff here so you're not far wrong!


Mick was taken and um is reversal of initials. I like short names.

Valyrian Plastic

It was my username on the Game of Thrones-centric website Winter is Coming, which I frequented for a few months in 2014, around the same time I became interested in using Fetch. Valyrian Steel is a kind of magical metal which is a recurring element

Vancouver Jogger

I've never been west of Cornwall, don't live in Canada and don't have a Canadian accent. When I joined Fetch I lived in a street with Vancouver in its name and felt I qualified more as a jogger than a runner.


It's a long story going back to 2001 when I found the RW US site (I didn't know there was a UK site at the time) and wasn't going to let anyone on there have reason to suspect that I wasn't a bloke and talk down to me. (If you think


When I joined RW back in the day, I wanted a name that said *I am slow and always go faster running downhill with a following wind* That was a bit long, so I went for Windassisted. I found Fetch (via a


I get a state in Western Australia. Actually, it is the state of Western Australia. Bet it's lovely :-)

Watford Wobble

I relocated over 4 years ago Surrey Phil and never did change the Watford bit. I was considering 'The Wobbler' but I think there is too much history now. I now live in Weldon.


Mine's my real life nickname, derived from the first of the three syllables comprising my surname. Oh, and it's pronounced closer to 'Wev' than 'Weef' 😜

Wednesday Mouse

We had a hamster called Wednesday. We called her Wednesday Mouse because it sounded better than Wednesday Hamster, despite the fact that she was definitely a hamster and not a mouse (I don't really know why, but it just sort of stuck). I was looking


My name is the village I live in rolled into a single word. If I move, I won't change it! My avatar is a picture of me taken at the end of a trail race in which I face planted for the first time.

Will Crash

Will Crash as I crashed a Police car on BBC1 in 1999 with a film crew sat in the back....:(

Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)

I am originally from Wales and support Wimbledon FC (aka AFC Wimbledon) hence my original Fetch name from 10 years ago. OH is the reason for Wimbledon rather than Swans or Bluebirds. After lots of time on the injury bench and being more of a plodder I thought I would change my name to better reflect my running activity ;-)

Wriggling Snake

I was ONCE called 'racing snake' at a Bath Half a long time ago, that name was already in use so I thought what else do snakes do, well they don't wriggle, but hey. I am also considering a name change to LAD D1.

Yorkshire Pie

I first used the name on a rugby website where, as a Wigan fan, I was a pie eater. One who lives in Yorkshire, hence the name.


When I first signed up to FE I had just taken receipt of a brand new MTB and my pride in it was reflected in my original handle, KonaKing. Eventually it lost its sheen though and I sold it so I changed my name to what it is on every other forum that I sub

And extras!

There are some similar nicknames for nicknames on the 700 thread. Formerly and Latterly for Sombrero and Lazy Daisy. Mostly they’ve been coined by Fleecy.

Recent Updates User Comments
Nov 2021 Reiver Reiver - Added my name entry
Sep 2021 Groundhog revised Groundhog just to read a bit better.
Jan 2021 K5 Gus
Jan 2021 Big_G Adding my name to the list
Jan 2021 Gooner Added Gooner explanation, possibly to be changed in the near future.
Jan 2021 Goofee
Jan 2021 Oscar the Grouch Oscar the Grouch added
Jan 2021 57.5 Degrees of Pain Added myself.
Jan 2021 Little Nell Added my info
Nov 2020 gwowen Added me.

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