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Sun 14th Apr 2024 at 10:30am by Mozzer

Run > Race

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  • Asc(m)
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Notes & Comments

1) 1mi - 9:32(9:32/mi) 129/139bpm [1230b/mi] 116cal 320/388W
2) 1mi - 9:31(9:31/mi) 131/149bpm [1246b/mi] 114cal 333/375W
3) 1mi - 9:28(9:28/mi) 153/157bpm [1448b/mi] 128cal 322/334W
4) 1mi - 9:32(9:32/mi) 154/158bpm [1469b/mi] 129cal 319/377W
5) 1mi - 9:25(9:25/mi) 157/163bpm [1479b/mi] 130cal 334/395W
6) 1mi - 9:33(9:33/mi) 153/158bpm [1461b/mi] 125cal 335/401W
7) 1mi - 9:41(9:41/mi) 152/156bpm [1471b/mi] 126cal 337/387W
8) 1mi - 9:38(9:38/mi) 152/156bpm [1464b/mi] 122cal 326/412W
9) 1mi - 9:37(9:37/mi) 151/154bpm [1451b/mi] 117cal 332/380W
10) 1mi - 9:37(9:37/mi) 153/162bpm [1472b/mi] 123cal 333/396W
11) 1mi - 9:29(9:29/mi) 158/162bpm [1498b/mi] 124cal 341/407W
12) 1mi - 10:10(10:10/mi) 159/162bpm [1617b/mi] 132cal 315/411W
13) 1mi - 9:34(9:34/mi) 160/164bpm [1530b/mi] 125cal 331/355W
14) 1mi - 9:33(9:33/mi) 159/164bpm [1518b/mi] 124cal 325/405W
15) 1mi - 9:37(9:37/mi) 160/163bpm [1539b/mi] 124cal 334/422W
16) 1mi - 9:58(9:58/mi) 160/168bpm [1595b/mi] 126cal 338/454W
17) 1mi - 9:44(9:44/mi) 159/165bpm [1547b/mi] 122cal 319/427W
18) 1mi - 9:53(9:53/mi) 160/163bpm [1582b/mi] 124cal 314/340W
19) 1mi - 11:27(11:27/mi) 158/164bpm [1808b/mi] 129cal 256/376W
20) 1mi - 10:33(10:33/mi) 160/164bpm [1688b/mi] 123cal 282/316W
21) 1mi - 11:33(11:33/mi) 157/166bpm [1813b/mi] 124cal 253/362W
22) 1mi - 10:04(10:04/mi) 161/168bpm [1622b/mi] 125cal 308/404W
23) 1mi - 10:23(10:23/mi) 166/174bpm [1723b/mi] 130cal 289/360W
24) 1mi - 11:31(11:31/mi) 161/170bpm [1853b/mi] 126cal 248/352W
25) 1mi - 11:26(11:26/mi) 161/172bpm [1840b/mi] 127cal 249/341W
26) 1mi - 10:58(10:58/mi) 162/167bpm [1776b/mi] 125cal 268/363W
27) 0.51mi - 4:27(8:42/mi) 167/169bpm [1453b/mi] 62cal 361/400W
9:32 9:31 9:28 9:32 9:25 9:33 9:41 9:38 9:37 9:37 9:29 10:10 9:34 9:33 9:37 9:58 9:44 9:53 11:27 10:33 11:33 10:04 10:23 11:31 11:26 10:58 4:27
Bowman 🇸🇪
Looks like it was a bit rough in the end? well done for getting it done, let us know how it went!
Ooof! Yes, looks tough - well done!
Its the usual story, going off too quick. I'd trained for 9:45 - 9:50 miles & didn't stick to the plan! All my own fault, but still ended up with a time I'm happy with!
Perfect weather and water stations every 3 miles.
Not a bad performance, another day you might have got away with those 20s/mile at the start. Well done :)
Bowman 🇸🇪
We all have done that 😂

Good to hear that you are pleased with the turnout.
The Inspector
You should be pleased with that - well done, great running. Was good to see you at East Didsbury, if only fleetingly. According to the official results and predictive timings I’ve yet to start the race! I’ve emailed to try and resolve.
Well done.
Thanks all, a great day out & I'm happy with the time
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0mi in 0


30% 40% 26% 3%


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Power Watts Watts Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 9:32 9:32 9:32 129 73-139 1230 158 108-164 321 107-388 10/11
2.00 19:03 9:31 9:31 131 120-149 1246 160 156-168 333 298-375 9/9
3.00 28:31 9:28 9:28 153 148-157 1448 159 156-166 322 310-334 8/7
4.00 38:03 9:32 9:32 154 152-158 1469 159 156-166 319 302-377 9/9
5.00 47:28 9:25 9:25 157 152-163 1480 159 152-170 334 302-395 13/10
6.00 57:01 9:33 9:33 153 149-158 1461 159 156-166 335 299-401 8/10
7.00 1:06:42 9:40 9:40 152 150-156 1471 160 156-170 337 277-387 9/13
8.00 1:16:20 9:38 9:38 152 147-156 1465 159 156-162 326 276-412 13/7
9.00 1:25:57 9:37 9:37 151 148-154 1452 160 156-162 332 312-380 7/12
10.00 1:35:34 9:37 9:37 153 149-162 1472 160 156-166 333 265-396 9/13
11.00 1:45:02 9:29 9:29 158 152-162 1497 159 158-162 341 309-407 11/8
12.00 1:55:13 10:10 10:10 159 148-162 1617 160 118-168 341 319-411 10/11
13.00 2:04:46 9:34 9:34 160 157-164 1530 159 156-166 331 316-355 13/11
14.00 2:14:19 9:33 9:33 159 153-164 1518 159 156-164 325 269-405 16/11
15.00 2:23:56 9:37 9:37 160 157-163 1540 159 154-164 334 285-422 17/13
16.00 2:33:55 9:58 9:58 160 155-168 1595 159 156-166 338 242-454 20/25
17.00 2:43:38 9:44 9:44 159 152-165 1547 159 154-164 319 253-427 7/9
18.00 2:53:31 9:53 9:53 160 157-163 1582 159 156-164 314 296-340 13/10
19.00 3:04:59 11:27 11:27 158 137-164 1810 156 102-218 286 2-376 7/14
20.00 3:15:31 10:32 10:32 160 150-164 1687 157 116-162 288 139-316 11/9
21.00 3:27:04 11:33 11:33 157 149-166 1814 147 114-162 255 144-362 8/7
22.00 3:37:08 10:04 10:04 161 153-168 1620 159 154-162 308 244-404 12/15
23.00 3:47:32 10:23 10:23 166 151-174 1725 155 80-164 289 108-360 11/9
24.00 3:59:02 11:30 11:30 161 150-170 1852 146 118-162 255 84-352 11/12
25.00 4:10:28 11:26 11:26 161 148-172 1840 149 110-246 257 61-341 11/9
26.00 4:21:25 10:57 10:57 162 151-167 1775 154 118-166 279 54-363 10/8
26.51 4:25:52 4:27 8:43 167 166-169 1457 163 160-170 361 321-400 6/7


  • Show Beats/Mile


Asc 134m, Range 20m, Flat prediction 4:26:05
Elevation Graph
Biggest Climbs (m) Min/mi
13 2.8% 10:20
11 1.1% 9:31
See your biggest climbs


313W (454 max)
Power Graph
Power Bands


157 (246 max) Stride Length: 102cm
Cadence Chart
Cadence Bands
% Cad Mi Time Min/mi
Run 93.9 159 25.5 4:09:38 9:47
Walk 5.6 121 1 14:49 14:45
Still 0.5 - - 1:26 -



Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
400m 2:08 8:33 38.56% More
800m 4:20 8:43 44.33% More
1km 5:34 8:57 45.00% More
Mile 9:22 9:22 45.46% More
5k 29:27 9:29 49.22% More
5 miles 47:22 9:28 49.81% More
10k 59:03 9:30 49.89% More
10 miles 1:35:24 9:32 51.04% More
Half 2:05:36 9:35 51.29% More
20 miles 3:15:31 9:47 51.81% More
Mara 4:22:51 10:02 51.39% More


Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
1M 7:22 7:22 57.82
5km 25:28 8:12 56.91
5M 42:51 8:34 55.06
10km 54:21 8:45 54.21
10M 1:31:29 9:09 53.23
Half 2:02:56 9:23 52.00
20M 3:15:19 9:46 51.86
Mara 4:22:28 10:01 51.46

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