Miles 15.04
Min/mi 9:57
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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LOL but I agree dinner comes first
Great run, well done. dinner and rehydration is crucial!
Great run OM
Well Done!!!!!
Lol! Would be more impressed if you cooked it
Good running OM. The leaders have an 8s discrepancy between chip and gun.
Thx, missed that Marts, they will have started instantly so confirms my belief - and time spent on EA time keeping course!1
Well done OM nice running.
the boss should always lead from the front and looking at your first mile you must of been leading the race lol
Excellent running OM, lol GW comment - you like the fast first mile don't you! Hills will get you in training for when you visit us! All on track for VLM.
What a pace OM, well done!
Well done, no great times per miles in there, possibel where hills were?