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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Wimbledon 10K

Entrants (16)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Serpentine RC
Collingwood AC
47:28 49:51 52:07 59.49
The great dollop
Anna Finn
48:06 54:05 54:24 53.18
Holme Pierrepont RC
52:07 53:25 55:02 52.27
49:59 50:52 51:16 56.43
Kelly Freeman
Collingwood AC
55:39 55:39 55:39 52.11
feralcat 17 seconds difference from the chip timing
Thames Hare & Hounds
41:20 41:37 44:00 65.32
Lazy Girl Running
Serpentine RC
54:15 56:46 56:46 50.68
Deenzy Sub 40 Please!!!!
UPDATE: Faffing hell that was close, I thought I had 20 seconds in the bank but the course came up .1 long on the Garmin so I had to sprint like a mad man to get over exactly on 40 mins, chip time 39.58!! Never in doubt :)
Wimbledon Windmilers
39:27 39:58 39:40 39:58 67.63
ollie20 Had no idea how fast I was going as I forgot to pack my watch in the morning.  Delighted to get under my PB.  Was the 9k marker in the right position?  It felt like the longest last 1km I've ever run.  Time to invest in a Garmin I think
Arena 80 AC
44:44 44:44 46:00 47:11 58.52
Foot & Mouth Felt great today. Used the virtual partner on my garmin and set it at 47 minutes. So I know if i could keep as close to 7.34 minute miles I'd smash my PB of 49 odd.  Wimbledon hill was a bit of a killer but as they say there's a down for every up and I made any lost time on the down. The official chip results has my time at 46.15 but my garmin time says 46.05
Collingwood AC
43:42 43:42 49:00 46:15 62.32
55:43 52:30
Lalli Will have done some more club intervals sessions and hills on my own by then. I'm going to really have a go at this one. *Update* - failed to PB - for some reason I had it in my head today that I needed to aim for 56:56! Mentally a PB, but not in the real world when I got home and found it's 55:37 - doh!
Eastbourne Rovers AC
51:51 54:40 55:36 56:18 54.61
SpankyChan Looking forward to it but 1st race this year and hamstring feels a bit tight
1:01:36 1:05:00 1:10:00 1:05:00 42.15
SUPERWOMAN63 Have just got over a very bad cold and have had a gentle jog today, l feel much better than l did. No fast times for me l just want to enjoy and get around safely !!

Briing it on l am NOT a quitter xX

Wonderful warm weather and l got around the course eventually, my fitness was questionable but like l said I AM NOT A QUITTER.
1:02:32 1:03:10 1:11:00 1:10:07 44.22

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