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Wedding Day 7K

Listed by Tiger
  • Rated 85%
  • 7km
  • Trail
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Barnes Runners
31:15 31:15 31:15 62.38
Bingo Wings
36:51 36:51 36:51 52.49
Cookie I was very pleased with this. Tuesday's club session was really poor and I thought that beating 30 minutes would be a real challenge. As it happened, I broke both the half hour and last year's time (though conditions were more favourable). Encouragingly, five of my six fastest races this year have come in the last 6 weeks, so it's beginning to come back.
Ranelagh Harriers
29:50 29:50 29:50 63.86
DIY Diva don't bet on me - I'm coming down with some lurgy today so if I do this  it will be a getting around the course job
Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC
32:31 34:12 36:00 34:12 61.42
Ranelagh Harriers, The Stragglers RC
26:44 27:03 27:03 67.87
Runnymede Runners
35:44 35:44 35:44 51.05
Kieren Went off fat too fast at 6mm. Zonked by 2km and slowed right down to 7.5mm pace. Nothing at all left at the end and had to lay down. Learnt an important lesson about pacing though that will hopefully help me in the future. The race was very well supported and Marshalled. *Provisional time to be updated*
Serpentine RC, Ealing Eagles Running Club
29:36 29:36 30:00 29:36 61.48
Kirsty Fantastic race organised ultra-smoothly by my fantastic club. I set off waaay too fast, seemed to go backwards for a bit in the middle, then got going again towards the end but couldn't compete with DIYD's excellent finishing sprint. Was happy with pb of over a minute though. And even happier once I'd refuelled with 3 glasses of champagne....
Team Bushy
34:19 34:19 34:19 58.26
Tiger Hoping to do considerably better than last years 36:14, really shouldn't have been running with shin splints!
Epsom Oddballs RC, Reigate Priory AC
33:09 33:40 33:30 33:40 63.46

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