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Tynedale 10k

Listed by Raisty Raist
  • Rated 77%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Ands Reasonably pleased given the heat - but felt a very slow start - usually it's very fast downhill.  Similar to the Newburn river run.  Enjoyed it, fading a bit at the end (heat) but near someone i vaguely knew and kept each other going. Ran last night, so maybe legs weren't as fresh as they should be, but enjoying it so much finding 'racing' interfering with training/enjoyment!
Blaydon Harriers & AC
45:20 45:20 48:00 45:20 65.94
Blackhill Bounders
42:35 45:56 46:00 46:00 57.92
Boab Still a PB by a few seconds, but disappointed with tiime.  It is a lot slower than I thought I should be at right now.  I have no excuses.  Legs died a death at 3.5 miles, they filled with lead and just didn't want to move.  It could be the 55 mile week I put in last week, but I can't use that excuse, I think I am just not as fit as I thought I was.  It was a hot night, but the heat generally doesn't bother me.  As usual a great race, and well organised.
32:25 34:49 37:00 37:55 69.86
Grey Badger Just going to use this race as a training run as i'm still not too fit after Chevy Chase with tired legs blistered heels and still feeling a bit yuk.

Just went steady, warm night with not much breeze. Very congested at start but after half a mile it got spread out. Nice couse not many hills. Really enjoyed just taking it steady and actually ran faster than intended by about 2 min.
Northumberland Fell Runners
35:28 36:47 42:30 40:30 70.96
Heaton Harriers & AC
42:52 42:52 42:52 68.08
Raisty Raist was really hot but ran ok considering recent exertions on a heavy weekend in Poland and 18 holes of golf yesterday. Finished 2 minutes faster than last year which is pleasing
42:15 42:15 44:00 43:15 61.04
37:23 37:23
Screeners hot night - faded between miles 4 and 5 but picked up after that.  Felt I could have done it faster if it hadn't been so hot
Elswick Harriers
56:42 57:30 59:13 49.28

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