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Scott & Gault Memorial 10 Mile Road Race

Listed by paul the builder
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
paul the builder Don't know anything about this course. Would like to PB, but that depends on the new PB that I should have set at Portaferry 3 weeks earlier.. UPDATE didn't run at Portaferry, so this will be a big PB then... UPDATE - 1:14:37 - PB by 6.5 minutes, but I'm not over the moon. I couldn't really get going, and maybe I'm paying for missing so much training lately. Anyway - this was a new course this year apparently. Plenty of ups and down. None of them particularly tough, but there never seemed to be a flat section. Well organised I thought, tea and sarnies after, long sleeved T, no complaints there.
1:05:04 1:14:37 1:14:00 1:14:37 59.03
East Coast AC
56:03 1:00:10 1:03:22 69.04
1:33:04 1:33:04 1:33:04 52.65

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