Oxford Mail XC League - Race 2 (Vet Men) Culham

Listed by Spruce Goose
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gobi Race report from XC - I'm still slow and fat but this went better than expected. Started too far back thinking I should be safe and actually was held up :¬) Spent the entire race moving through the field. COOL to finish much closer to the people I am use to racing.
Cannock & Stafford AC
34:47 34:47 34:47 67.31
White Horse Harriers AC
36:14 36:14 36:14 62.20
Spruce Goose Time flattered an abysmyl run.  Cold hindered progress but achilles was painful every single step, so forced to jog round.....
White Horse Harriers AC
36:56 39:33 40:30 39:33 61.09
Rob Runner
Didcot Runners
37:13 43:05 43:05 56.08

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