NSPCC Charity 5k

Thu May 18 2006
Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
fetcheveryone This race was short, by a fifth of a mile, so I actually ran 2.9 miles in 21:09 - the time I\'ve entered here comes from the race calculator in the training log - it\'ll be a fair PB to beat next time out (on a *proper* course). But anyway... enough whingeing... the splits were interesting... first mile in 6:51 (on concrete with no wind), then the next mile was 8:04 (into a strong wind, and on some quite boggy grass), then the last .9 was run at 6:56 pace, back on the concrete, with the wind gone. And for the first time ever, my stomach felt quite tight at the end of the race. Maybe it was something to do with Gobi being there :-)
21:31 22:45 22:45 56.49
Gobi Actual time on watch 16:35.6 unfortunately 3 of us measured the distance as 2.9 miles. Was a very windy course and  I ran very well for a second place :¬)
Cannock & Stafford AC
16:16 17:41 17:51 73.15
Lorraine Iam sooooo HAPPY with this amazing new PB
Time on watch said 23:36 but the 3 of us that ran all measured the course short....so this is the time using fetch calculator......either way a fantastic run
25:33 25:33 25:33 58.66

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