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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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North Glasgow 5K

Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
aspired 1st ever 5k, very hilly
28:47 33:07 36:33:00 0.62
Gus Ran with baby sprog and her hubby, his first ever run. Granpa has the little ones to look after.  Paced SIL round at 10/11min mile pace, lost baby sprog on one of the minor undulations!!  Took ages to get going due to the vast number of walkers, pram pushers and little ones at the start.  A well organised race with lots of water, fruit, caramel wafers and t shirts for all.  If I hadn't been running with SIL I may have slowed down at that last big climb at the end, especially with the wind in our faces.
Jogscotland On The Run Cumbernauld
31:13 31:13 35:00 34:50 47.52
Jamis Tough little 5km, first run for 2 weeks and I felt it especially that last km uphill. All in all a nice fun run, lots of support all the way round.WINDY!!!!
20:45 20:45 22:40 57.56
31:35 31:35 30:00 31:35 44.11
Slacker Runner
Bellahouston Road Runners
19:40 20:58 23:00 60.15
Yano Pulled my calf muscle a few days before the race so took the sensible option for once and didn't run. TENTATIVE

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