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Milland Valley Trail Race

Listed by Paulie
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
bubble this was the hardist race i have run in 3 years of running,it was good
Worthing Striders
1:53:53 2:08:32 2:04:00 2:26:44 42.71
Alton Runners
1:42:06 1:43:03 2:00:00 2:13:28 49.71
Hairy Legs Hard race - but enjoyable!!
Stubbington Green Runners
1:35:04 1:36:27 1:49:10 53.51
MissingPhoenix Loved this race, was hot but the trees kept it well shaded.  Took it really slow and had plenty left to run hard over the last 2 miles.  Deffo wasn't the full distance, about 12.5 miles I think which was a shame due to the foot and mouth.
Race no. 680.
1:35:12 1:40:25 2:05:00 2:02:00 47.11
par Some 7:30 quicker than last year

I enjoyed this race and will be back next year
Cove Joggers
1:38:58 1:38:58 1:51:06 58.39
Paulie Wonderful trail race, with some stunning views, plenty of drink stations, friendly marshalls, and tea and cakes at the finish.
Trail Running Association, LDWA
1:29:49 1:29:49 1:50:00 1:44:03 59.22
The great dollop If anyone wants their pics put into the fetch gallery on antbliss.com - put your race numbers in your race reports and I'll make sure its sorted out. scheesh - it was hot in the sun ! well done for completing it..
MissingPheonix - done
tramps Suspiously good time (11 mins quicker than last year) suggests the revised course was a little short. Made the steps in 15 mins, so no wait at the bottom.  The hills seemed easier than before or perhaps that is just comparing them with Garburn.
Saffron Striders RC
1:30:31 1:30:31 1:59:50 1:44:44 56.49

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