Men's Surrey League XC - Lightwater

Sat January 10 2009
Listed by Mr BooBoo La Boy
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bul was actually the LLoyd Pk fixture but same distance
Clapham Chasers
29:13 30:07 70.44
Mr BooBoo La Boy
Croydon Harriers
34:57 34:57 37:28 56.33
Striders of Croydon AC
31:50 31:50 33:59 67.21
Haslemere Border AC
32:34 35:49 58.85
Vin Rouge
Striders of Croydon AC
30:06 34:20 35:44 61.95
JH1 Very cold day. Hard and icy in places but pretty quick once you'd got over the hills.  Wish I had more sprint in my legs though
Farnham Triathlon Club, Woking AC
29:04 31:00 30:29 70.56
Damo666 Very, Very cold.icy conditions.  Everyting white to the frost, even at 2:30 in the afternoon
Striders of Croydon AC
33:10 32:00 31:55 67.82
Ranelagh Harriers
33:40 38:00 38:00 56.60

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