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Epworth Equestrian parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Desborough and Rothwell Running club
21:08 24:48 27:36 60.67

About this parkrun

Flat parkrun almost entirely on grass. Initial grass section from the start line, followed by a brief stint on a farm track, and then back on to grass. Two laps of a field full of horse jumps, then back the way you came.
Parking, portaloos, and café.
nme2no1 5th Aug 2023

Completely flat course . a short out & back section to/from the start/finish with a couple of laps of 2 grass fields , 95% on grass & slightly uneven under foot , Cafe , toilets & free carpark
wAckie Racer 5th Aug 2023

A flat course nearly all on grass, run out, 2 laps and back. Still firm under foot at the end of September although you do need to watch for Rabbit Holes etc (well marked though). Free parking, toilets and cafe.
BlueArmy 23rd Sep 2023

Lots of parking, short run out then 2 laps of fields on grass then run back. Flat run, plenty of parking, toilets and cafe with a lovely woodburner. Very friendly and enthusiatic marshalls, quiet countryside, lovely run.
Mandyr 15th Jan 2024

Mostly going round fields twice with a bit of farm track too. Flat and a friendly cat near the car park. Toilets and a cafe. Not many people so for the slower ones of us a good one to try and get a relatively high finish position!
IdrisTheDragon 27th Apr 2024

I really liked this course, although we did it on a dry fairly warm day! Portaloos in the carpark, excellent cafe after, decent route which was well marshalled. Worth visiting the cafe especially if you like cats and you might meet Mario and Luigi.
Sombrero 8th Jun 2024

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