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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Dunsfold 10k

Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Beaker Very windy, found it far more difficult than the Chessington 10, partially due to lack of training, partially probably due to using the easy option of the treadmill.
53:33 53:33 54:42 49.14
Billsy headrun into the 3rd mile slowed the pace on each lap, and a bit dull with the route, but well organised, nice and friendly and a good run to get the legs moving during taper.
Knee a bit sore at the end (right) so will be doing a lot of stretching this week!
Cruisers Running Club
53:59 53:59 59:59 53:59 55.38
1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 45.84
55:55 1:02:15
Justin S Oh dear. Felt good for this one, but the speed just wasn't there. Also measured it as 10.12k which didn't help the time. Sorry to the folks that bet on me.
March AC
42:24 45:16 46:35 58.40
47:38 47:38 48:41 56.72
Farnham Runners
53:00 57:00 57:00 60.62
Epsom Oddballs RC, Reigate Priory AC
45:55 48:01 48:20 64.73
Um Bongo A PB but disappointed as hoping for sub 45. Made mistake of using Garmin to set pace and I came in 7 seconds under target but the finish line was further away than Garmin thought - sSo eitrher course a bit long (Garmin says it was 6.27 miles) or Garmin wrong - who cares,? Its history now.
Sandhurst Joggers, Windle Valley Runners
43:30 43:30 45:09 64.71

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