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City of Aberdeen Baker Hughes 10k

Listed by Justin S
  • Rated 75%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (18)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Stonehaven Running Club
48:06 48:06 48:06 60.47
Crooked Gait A little overawed by the numbers but the organisation was amazing, the weather kind and atmosphere friendly.  Happy with the run despite a difficult patch coming up to the 9k marker.
46:21 46:55 46:55 66.09
Great Western Runners
43:17 43:17 43:19 72.89
Gogsy! Perfect conditions with a tail wind down the Esplanade. Despite a field of 2500 runners, it was eerily quiet running round the harbour area. Delighted with my time - I'm not sure I can do any better than that.
JogScotland Rosemount
49:58 51:44 51:44 58.41
Cosmic Hillbashers, jogscotland, Jogscotland Hazlehead
44:51 45:01 45:30 45:01 61.82
Fleet Feet Triathletes, Stonehaven Running Club
47:25 47:39 48:12 62.41
MazH Great course, not too hot either, good organisation, nice snacks afterwards!! lol!

Very happy with my humble PB!

Just did the hoovering with my medal on!
55:50 1:10:18 1:15:00 1:13:24 39.76
Fleet Feet Triathletes
47:13 47:13 47:13 60.92
57:13 57:46 58:13 59.36
mrs shanksi First 5k went to plan of running a 4:47ish pace. Then slowed down a bit. Luckily got a second wind at 7k. Really pleased with the result :-)
Stonehaven Running Club
46:05 47:11 47:26 61.53
54:42 1:01:18 1:01:18 48.47
Metro Aberdeen
39:13 39:13 39:13 74.50
Ritchie C
Stonehaven Running Club
42:27 47:08 48:00 47:08 56.34
The Duckinator
Metro Aberdeen
33:58 44:58 47:00 57.21
Stonehaven Running Club
40:59 44:41 45:54 63.83
Ultracat not bad weatherwise, sunny but not too warm and wind on our backs down prom.  a bit crowded at the start.  felt it went well.
Metro Aberdeen
53:06 57:00 57:00 59.90
Wee Maz
JogScotland Rosemount, Jogscotland Airyhall Aberdeen
49:02 52:30 55:28 52.62
Weedawn First ever 10k
59:45 1:05:42 1:05:42 43.87

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